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First subway opens in Bangladesh

A subway system is designed to help tackle the huge congestion problem in one of the most densely populated capital cities. Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today inaugurated the country’s first subway system in the metropolis of Dhaka. “This subway will bring dynamism to the national economy,” said the 75-year-old. “It will help save time and money that would otherwise be lost in daily traffic.”

IMAGO/ZUMA Wire/Sazzad Hossain

More than 20 million people live in the capital Dhaka. The city is known for its traffic jams. According to the World Bank in 2018, the average driving speed there fell from 21 km/h in 1980 to 7 km/h.

Now the subway, partly funded by Japan, is scheduled to open to the public tomorrow. So far, the rails are almost twelve kilometers long, it said. In the coming year, around ten more kilometers should be added and further subway lines will follow later.

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