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Fixty Ordara and Ja Rulay release their latest song as a duo with Wow Popy

Fixty Ordara and Ja Rulay release their latest song as a duo with Wow Popy

After announcing their final separation, Fixty Ordara y And Rulay They shared with their audience that the premiere of a musical collaboration with Wow Poppywhich belongs to the latter’s new album.

This Friday, “Chingona,” the latest song in which the young reggaeton artists participate as a duo, was finally released.

The song landed on the YouTube channel of the Planet Records record label along with a video clip that the artists promoted on their networks.

“Chingona” is included on the album The Amalian which was launched by Wow Popy, who like Fixty Ordara is promoting his career from Miami.

“This song will be a hit. The video turned out great. Support our genre wholeheartedly my people”; “The collaboration we were all waiting for”; “Successes in your artistic career as soloists. Thank you for so many good songs Fixty Ordara and Ja Rulay for a while”; “The last of many events, without a doubt, this duo has already been inscribed in the history of our urban genre,” some fans wrote in the comments on YouTube.

Several followers, however, expressed their disappointment with the duo’s separation: “They disappointed me but every story has an end but I hope that one day Fixty Ordara and Ja Rulay get together again”; “It was a bad decision to have separated, the last song together. I was a big fan of them”; “Last song by these excellent singers”; “Last topic about animals, they are going to be missed.”

The news of the duo’s separation It surprised his fans a lot, but it was something that could happen after Fixty Ordara arrived in Miami last August.

Ja Rulay continues in Cuba and is very close to debuting an explosive team with Charly & Johayron, “Toki Toki”.

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