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Florencia Kirchner will initiate legal actions against LN+ for the statements about her health

In a democracy, not everything is allowed and there are thresholds that we cannot tolerate if they continue to be crossed,” emphasized the daughter of Vice President Cristina Fernández

By iProfessional

14/04/2023 – 19,26hs

Florencia Kirchner, daughter of Vice President Cristina Fernández, announced this Friday that she will initiate legal actions for the “serious and violent” statements about his health.

As a result of the serious and violent statements against me and my mother, broadcast on Thursday, April 6 through the LN+ channel, I choose to take the words of those who are professionals and have already spoken about it.“Florencia indicated on her Instagram social network account, where she shared the repudiation expressed by the Argentine Association of Mental Health (AASM).

In this context, he explained: “In the face of these attacks that affect sensitive conditions for me and for so many people, violating human and very personal rights, I have instructed my lawyers to initiate all appropriate legal actions“.

“In a democracy, not everything is allowed and there are thresholds that we cannot tolerate if they continue to be crossed,” said Florencia Kirchner, who considered that the “objective was to cause pain.”

Finally, the Vice President’s daughter highlighted: “I want to thank all the professional associations, journalistic groups, public entities, international organizations and political organizations that have spoken out and have repudiated this unfortunate fact.“.

“To each of the people who sent me so much affection through all possible channels: always thank you,” he concluded.

The Government repudiated the statements of Viviana Canosa about Florencia Kirchner

In a talk that began to discuss the political panorama of the vice president and the ruling party, the journalist Viviana Canosa and her panelist Laura Di Marco deepened their criticism of the former president and her daughter. “Do you see her body how she is? I feel very sorry for Florencia, she has galloping anorexia nervosa,” Di Marco commented at the beginning of her intervention.

“Those who study the disease of anorexia, It’s a lack of mother, it’s a lack of maternal nutrition”added and immediately Canosa opined: “So you say: who is Cristina? She is a very resentful woman, who did not cure her resentment,” the journalist continued.

After the images of the talk went viral, La Cámpora was quick to express itself in this regard and repudiate the statements of the LN+ journalists. “Hate speech. Lies. Violence. Humiliation. Harassment. Dehumanization. Brutality. Perversity. Cruelty”, they wrote from the organization led by Máximo Kirchner on their official Twitter account.

And they added: “Twenty years ago Cristina and her family are publicly violated and systematic by the most powerful structures in the country”.


For its part, the Public Defender’s Office, led by Miriam Lewin, announced that it is preparing a report on what is broadcast by the news signal, in order to determine if the program “discrimination”, “hatred” and “political violence against women” were incurred.

Another of the references of the Frente de Todos who came out to repudiate the statements of Canosa and company, was the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Cecilia Moreau. It is “an act of violence against women, an onslaught involving the media, political sectors and businessmen,” she said.

The vice head of ENACOM, joined the repudiation of the ruling party and explained that “It hurts the channels that this issue is being debated at the moment because they assume that they have a pact with their listeners, viewers or readers and that pact is based on a code of ethics that they are breaking. So it bothers them that we talk about how they violated the written law “. And he clarified that” the responsibility lies with the medium, not with the journalist “.

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