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Florida announces unit to unravel past crimes, unsolved cases under scrutiny

Florida announces unit to unravel past crimes, unsolved cases under scrutiny

MIAMI.- The attorney general of florida, Ashley Moody announced the creation of an ambitious new investigative unit dedicated to solving unsolved criminal cases across the state.

Accompanied by Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw and a leading group of investigative experts, Moody said this initiative seeks address more than 20 thousand homicide cases unsolved since 1965 in Florida.

The new unit, called the Florida Cold Case Investigations Unit, will be comprised of highly experienced homicide prosecutors and detectives who specialize in solving “cold cases.”

According to the prosecutor, these professionals will work closely with local and state authorities to exhaustively review files, collect new information and apply the latest forensic technologies in resolving crimes. crimes.

Moody emphasized the importance of this new unit to provide closure in investigations to families affected by various tragedies and to ensure that those responsible are held accountable for their actions, no matter how much time has passed since the crime was committed.

He acknowledged that unsolved cases present a unique challenge because of the breakdown of evidence and the potential lack of witnesses willing to speak after so many years.

How crimes will be investigated

Sheriff Bradshaw supported the initiative and highlighted the significant progress that DNA genealogy tracing has made in solving cases.

He mentioned specific examples, such as the recent “Baby June” cases and the clown killer in Wellington, where the use of this technology was instrumental in identifying those responsible and bringing them to justice.

This new unit will not only focus on relatively current cases, but will also review older filesin order to provide answers to families who have waited for decades.

Moody urged community collaboration, encouraging Anyone with relevant information to contact authoritieseven anonymously.

According to the prosecutor, the creation of the Florida Cold Case Investigations Unit represents a renewed commitment to justice and accountability in the state.

It is hoped that this initiative will shed light on long-forgotten cases and provide comfort and closure to the families of the victims.

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