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Florida: Complaint at school for showing image of “El David” for being “pornographic”

In Florida, United Statesparents at a school caused outrage after complaining that the masterpiece of Miguel Ángel ‘David’ was ‘pornographic’ and it doesn’t have to be taught in a sixth grade art history class.

Apart of this, the board of the Tallahassee Classical School during the past week he put pressure on the director Hope Carrasquilla who resigned over parental complaints after the teacher showed the picture of ‘David’ to her students.

In The Truth News, We are going to give details about these events in which art was classified as pornography in Florida.

Parents say ‘David’ is ‘pornographic’

The statue was classified as pornography for parents

The parents judged that the work of Miguel Ángel, one of the greatest artists in history, seemed “pornographic”, and in light of this, Carrasquilla considers that the board attacked her after three parents complained about a lesson that included a David’s photo.

The teacher also said two parents complained that they were not told in advance that a nude would be shown, while a third called the iconic statue pornographic.

This school even has a policy that requires parents to be notified in advance about controversial topics being taught.

Meanwhile, Barney Bishop, president of the Tallahassee Classical school board, told the media that while the photo of the statue played a role in Carrasquilla’s expulsion, it was not the only fact, but he left out details.

On the other hand, the mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, described as “ridiculous” “confusing art with pornography” and invited the teacher Carrasquilla to visit the Florence museum that has Michelangelo’s masterpiece, the “Davi ‘ where he will honor her personally.

YOU MAY BE INTERESTED: The school director is forced to resign for showing a photo of “El David”

David by Michelangelo

The statue is on display in Florence, Italy

The David is a sculpture made of white marble, which is 5.17 meters high and 5,572 kilograms of mass, made by Miguel Ángel Buonarroti, between the years 1501 and 1504.

This sculpture represents the Biblical King David at the moment before his confrontation with Goliath, and was welcomed as a symbol of the Republic of Florence.

This is one of the masterpieces of the Renaissance, and according to most historians, one of the most famous sculptures in the world and is now on display in the Accademia Gallery in Florence, but it was not until 1873 that it was located in the Plaza de la Signoría in the Tuscan capital.

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