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Florida mother calls for support of Amendment 3 to legalize recreational marijuana

Florida mother calls for support of Amendment 3 to legalize recreational marijuana

MIAMI.- In a video posted on social media and other platforms, a Florida mother appeals to voters to support Amendment 3 in the November 5 elections, a measure that would legalize the recreational use of marijuana for older adults 21 years old in the state.

The mother, whose name was not revealed in the video financed by Smart & Safe Florida, as seen at the end of the audiovisual piece, says that “millions of Floridians use marijuana.” Furthermore, she maintains, “it is a fact that most Americans have access to legal marijuana, regulated and tested to ensure their safety, but not in Florida.”

It argues that most marijuana in Florida is illegal, produced by “criminals” and may “contain dangerous drugs such as fentanyl.”

“Amendment 3 gives adults access to safe, legal marijuana and the freedom to make their own decisions, while generating billions for schools and police,” says the woman in the video.

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This constitutional reform has generated an intense debate in Florida. While proponents argue that legalizing weed will bring economic and social benefits, opponents fear an increase in drug use and problems.

Governor Ron DeSantis has expressed his opposition to Amendment 3 and has maintained a strong stance against the legalization of recreational marijuana, aligning himself with Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, who has also criticized the initiative, calling it misleading for not clarifying that cannabis remains illegal at the federal level.

Amendment 3 would allow adults to possess up to 3 ounces of marijuana and 5 grams of marijuana concentrates, as well as authorize Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers to sell marijuana products and accessories for personal, non-medical use.

Smart & Safe, the committee that supports Amendment 3, said that the video of the mother asking for her support of that initiative will be broadcast throughout the state through different platforms, cable, streaming, radio and digital media.

Voters’ decision is expected to have a significant impact on the state’s drug policy and the future of the cannabis industry in Florida.

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