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Florida police officers save lives during heart month

Florida police officers save lives during heart month

MIAMI.- Generally, we hear from the police when unfortunate events occur, but not all of them are bad news. Recently, agents of the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office They saved the lives of two people, actions that demonstrate the importance of police teams having automatic external defibrillators.

The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Officein the central-west of the Florida state, and which includes cities such as Tampa and Riverview, has had patrols with automatic external defibrillators since 2019 (AED for its acronym in English). These teams, in parallel with the special training that police officers receive to respond to emergency cases, are decisive for the safety of the community.

Saving lives in heart month

During February, the month of the heart, two stories stand out among the countless actions of the police force of that county.

On February 5, Officer Biland responded to an emergency call at Leto High School. In the sports area of ​​the school campus, a student had collapsed during athletics practice.

Upon arrival, the young man was receiving assistance with a defibrillator, and Agent Biland began the cardiopulmonary resuscitation protocol until the Hillsborough County Fire Department arrived. Then they gave him another shock with the defibrillator, thanks to which the student regained his pulse. The young man was later transported to St. Joseph’s Main Hospital.

On February 11, an elderly man had a medical emergency at his home in the city of Tampa. Agent Szilagyi attended the case, and upon arriving at the man’s home he used a defibrillator and continued with cardiopulmonary resuscitation for several minutes.

Upon paramedics arriving, the man was transported to St Joseph’s Main Hospital.

Courtesy/Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office

Officer Biland of the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office helped save the life of a young student on February 5.

Courtesy/Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office

County Sheriff’s Message

As Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister noted, “These incidents show the vital importance of the accessibility of automated external defibrillators (AED) and the dedication of our officers to serve as first responders in medical emergencies.”

“Every life-saving measure taken, every individual saved, reaffirms our commitment to the safety and well-being of our community,” he added.

As February is American Heart Month, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office urges everyone to prioritize their heart health, take proactive steps such as learning how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), knowing the location of AED and get regular checkups.

Source: Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office

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