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Florida prepares for hurricane season, DeSantis calls for action

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MIAMI.- Florida Governor Ron DeSantis called for action in the face of the approaching hurricane season, emphasizing that “it only takes one storm to affect an entire community.”

“Florida Preparedness Week is the perfect time to sit down with your family and make sure you have a personalized plan for your home,” stated Governor DeSantis.

“It only takes one storm to affect an entire community, so I encourage all residents to know their risks, make an evacuation plan, and have all the essential supplies needed to stay safe before June 1,” he warned. .

For its part, the Florida Division of Emergency Management urged Floridians to take advantage of this last month before hurricane season to replenish their supply kits, update their emergency plans and stay informed on how to act in the face of various weather hazards.

Division Executive Director Kevin Guthrie added: “There is no better time to prepare than the present. Take this week of hurricane preparedness as your call to action and finalize your preparations for the upcoming season.”

He further noted that “after the devastating impacts of the last two hurricane seasons, I implore all residents to prepare not only for hurricanes, but also for the various dangers that accompany them, such as tornadoes, storm surges, damaging winds, rip currents and floods.”

What is expected?

On average, there are 14 named tropical storms each year in the Atlantic basin, seven of which become hurricanes and three reach Category 3 or higher.

However, the Division stressed that the focus should not be on the projected number of storms for the 2024 season, as only one storm is needed to produce lasting impacts.

“Understanding the risks and taking early preparedness measures is key to mitigating hurricane-related impacts and ensuring a faster, more resilient recovery across the state,” he said.

The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1 and runs through November 30, with a historic peak in September. Visited to download the complete 2024 Florida Hurricane Guide, including ways to keep people, families, and pets prepared and informed for the upcoming season.

Each May, National Preparedness Week and Florida Preparedness Week are celebrated to educate families and communities about the importance of disaster mitigation, preparedness and response. This year’s Hurricane Preparedness Week runs from May 6-11 and the Division will post vital preparedness information daily on social media.

Essential tips

Make a plan: Every household should have a disaster plan specific to the needs of all its members, including children, pets, and seniors. Visit for more information.

Prepare un kit: Identify now the essential items you may need during or after a hurricane. A kit should include enough non-perishable food and water for each family member for at least seven days, additional medications, and important personal documents. For a complete checklist, visit

Have multiple ways to receive weather alerts: Every home should have multiple ways to receive weather alerts and follow all instructions from local officials. It is recommended that you have a hand-cranked or battery-powered weather radio to ensure you can receive alerts from the National Weather Service in the event of power outages or damage to cell towers.

Know your area, know your home: It is vital for residents to know if they live in an evacuation zone, a low-lying area prone to flooding, a mobile home, or an unsafe structure during hurricane season. It’s also important to know your home’s ability to withstand high winds and heavy rain. For more information and to determine evacuation zones, visit

Keep gas tanks half full: Residents should keep their vehicles’ gas tanks at least half full during hurricane season to ensure they have enough fuel to evacuate quickly without worrying about long lines at gas stations and to avoid gasoline shortages before a storm. For Floridians with electric vehicles, it is recommended that the battery be kept between 50% and 80% of its capacity at all times, depending on the type of vehicle and what the vehicle manual recommends. Visit for more information.

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