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Florida residents urged to prepare for hurricane season

Florida residents urged to prepare for hurricane season

MIAMI.- An urgent call to the residents of Florida to prepare for the imminent season of hurricanes, that this 2024 would be more active than recent ones, said the state’s Chief Financial Officer and Fire Chief, Jimmy Patronis.

During his tour of the Urban Search and Rescue Task Force 2 Training Center in Miami, Patronis emphasized the need for advance preparation to avoid, as much as possible, serious damage from the cyclones that could reach Florida.

It is expected that the 2024 hurricane season would be one of the most active in the Atlantic basin, with 23 named storms forecast, including 11 hurricanes.

During the coming summer and fall months, the conjunction of the La Niña phenomenon and the unprecedented increase in sea surface temperatures will result in a significantly stronger than normal hurricane season.

This combination of climatic factors could increase the frequency and severity of cyclones, according to experts.

Although hurricane season has not yet begun, Patronis stressed the importance of taking preventive measures and developing disaster plans.

Recommendations for hurricane season

Therefore, Patronis recommended families and companies visit the website for resources and tips on hurricane preparedness.

Over the course of his visit, Patronis praised the sacrifice and dedication of Florida’s urban search and rescue teams.

Several Miami-Dade County emergency department leaders and elected officials joined Patronis during his tour of the rescue group’s Miami facility.

For his part, Governor Ron DeSantis assured that Florida is well prepared to face the coming storms.

The importance of having a robust disaster plan and the continued work of urban search and rescue teams They stand out as crucial elements for safety during hurricane season.

It is critical that Florida residents take these warnings seriously and prepare in advance to protect themselves and their families, state and local officials said.

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