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Florida voter registration, Republicans lead by overwhelming advantage

Florida voter registration, Republicans lead by overwhelming advantage

MIAMI.- At the end of the year 2023, the Republican Party achieved a significant advantage over the Democratic Party of Floridafor a difference of around 780,000 registered voters.

According to Florida Division of Elections data released Monday, The Republican Party had 5,141,848 registered voters as of December 31, while the Democratic Party had 4,362,147.

In addition, 3,528,807 voters are registered as not affiliated with any party, and 317,607 are registered with third parties, according to the electoral affairs agency.

The advantage of 779,701 voters for the Republican Party It is a significant increase since November 30, when they had an advantage of 69,922 voters. At the end of October, the lead was 680,030 voters.

Strength of the Republican Party

This change marks a milestone in the historical trend, as Democrats used to have the lead in state registration, but Republicans took the prized pennant in 2021 and have steadily expanded their margin since then.

Additionally, it highlights that Republicans hold all important state offices and have a supermajority in the Florida House and Senate.

This change in the state’s political landscape is notable and reflects the evolution of partisan preferences in Florida. Likewise, it coincides with the problems that the Florida Democratic Party has been facing since the 2022 elections.

Florida’s last gubernatorial election was on November 8, 2022. Incumbent Republican Governor Ron DeSantis was re-elected to a second term, defeating Democrat Charlie Crist.

DeSantis obtained 59.37% of the votes, while Crist obtained 39.97%, which has since seen an increase in the number of Republican voters in the Sunshine State.

Importance of Florida

The current trend is very important. Florida is a key state in the presidential elections given that it has 29 votes in the Electoral College, which is the body that indirectly elects the president of the United States.

To win the presidency, a candidate needs at least 270 electoral votes, and Florida is the third state with the most votes, after California and Texas.

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