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Focusing on energy and trade, Alberto Fernández received German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

Alberto Fernández received this Saturday the chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, in the framework of a tour by the German official through South America -which includes visits to Brazil and Chile-, and which had as its axis the project to expand the bilateral trade, investment flow and financing in various actionsas indicated by sources from the Argentine Foreign Ministry.

“We have had a very good bilateral talk where We raised the concerns that we both have about things that are happening in the world such as the Russian invasion of Ukrainian territory and its negative consequences for the world.”said the Argentine president at the beginning of the press conference.

In addition, the president was willing to participate in initiatives against climate change. “The chancellor has invited me to participate in the climate club initiative knowing that the climate problem is suffered by the world. We are absolutely willing to accompany the initiative,” he said.

For his part, the German leader expressed interest in having a close cooperation with our country “in energy matters”and aspires to be able to build negotiations between the European Union (EU) and Mercosur.

In this sense, Fernández remarked that with the arrival of Lula Da Silva to the presidency of Brazil, the Mercosur regional bloc will be in “better conditions” to negotiate with Europe.

“We want to promote the agreement between the EU and Mercosur and get it started. I have raised with the chancellor the very specific difficulties posed by some European policies. Our desire is not to continue prolonging the discussion and promptly put the agreement into operation,” he said. President.

The bilateral meeting was held in the Libertador room of the San Martín Palace, in which an extended meeting was also held with officials from both countries, headed by the Vice Minister of Economy, Gabriel Rubinstein, in which agreements were signed in commercial matter.

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