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Foot off the gas: At the Blitzermarathon there will be intensive flashing in the coming week


Berlin (ots)

On this day, almost every step on the gas pedal can be expensive, because on this day more and more mobile speed cameras are set up throughout Germany. We’re talking about this year’s speed camera marathon – on Friday, April 21, 2023, the time has come. But intensive speed checks are not only to be expected on this day: This also applies to the period from April 17th to 23rd. In the course of the so-called “Speed ​​Week”, in some federal states, flashes are even used more intensively for a whole week.

What are Blitzermarathon and Speed ​​Week?

These are intensive checks that take place either over a day or over a week. The police and regulatory authorities will check speed violations on the road with a reinforced presence within the period in order to make road users aware of the dangers of driving too fast. If speed violations are detected, the officials issue warnings depending on the severity of the offence. In the worst case, they initiate fine proceedings. As a result, there are high fines, points in Flensburg or even driving bans.

Which federal state in Germany is participating?

It is known that 9 out of 16 federal states are taking part in the campaign on April 21:

  • North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
  • Saxony
  • Bayern
  • Brandenburg
  • Saxony-Anhalt
  • Rhineland-Palatinate
  • Thuringia
  • Baden-Wuerttemberg

The federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania have decided to increase traffic monitoring throughout the week as part of the “Speed ​​Week”. As a result, they start already on Monday, April 17th. Drivers in the capital, on the other hand, have less to worry about, because no additional controls are initially planned in Berlin. At the time this press release was published, it was not yet known whether other federal states would also take part.

effort and benefit?

While politicians interpret this action as a traffic education measure to reduce the number of traffic fatalities, critics repeatedly accuse the states of just wanting to flush money into the coffers. Especially after the amendment to the Road Traffic Act (StVO) came into force in November 2021, road users now have to expect higher fines and more points in Flensburg for speeding violations. In order to take the wind out of the sails of this argument, the measuring points are usually published in advance. In fact, this is not always the case.

It is also criticized that the personnel costs are too high and the benefit too small. For example, in Bavaria in 2022, around 1800 officials and 50 employees from municipal traffic monitoring were involved in recording speed violations at over 2100 measuring points. Bavaria’s Minister of the Interior, Joachim Herrmann, described the campaign as a success in a press release last year: “Our speed camera marathon is intended to rouse all road users to strictly adhere to the speed limit. It’s not about issuing as many warnings as possible or sending out fine notices.”

The fact is that the penalties in the catalog of fines have been tightened

With the entry into force of the amendment to the Road Traffic Act (StVO) in November 2021, the fines for speeding violations have generally doubled. Points and driving bans are added depending on the offense. However, the Berlin CODUKA GmbH offers affected drivers a solution with

Why you can successfully take action against fine notices right now

In some federal states, an appeal against allegations of fines can currently be particularly promising. In Saxony, for example, there has been a shortage of staff at the state directorate for some time. As a result, fine proceedings are not always processed on time and are often dropped in favor of those affected. As a result, the fine authority has lost more than 35 million euros in revenue in recent years. And: Experts expect that the shortage of staff at the authorities will not improve in the short term.

Do not pay your fine unchecked

Jan Ginhold therefore advises: “Especially in times when money is tight, you should take the opportunity to avoid unnecessary fines. With our service we have already helped many road users to their rights. We can only appeal to people not to leave any allegations of fines unchecked right now.”

How does help

How CODUKA GmbH can help drivers who have been flashed is quickly explained to Ginhold: “Everyone can use our service to have the allegations from the fine procedure checked. All you have to do is submit your hearing form or fine notice to A simple upload via mobile phone is sufficient .”

Why can a fine notice be incorrect?

False allegations of fines are not uncommon. This applies in particular to mobile measuring devices, which are used more frequently during the campaign period. Here is an overview of the most important reasons why a fine can be contested:

  1. The human factor: measuring officials are subject to strict regulations when it comes to flashing – i.e. when operating the measuring devices. A valid training certificate for the device is a mandatory requirement. You must also ensure, in accordance with the operating instructions, that the speed camera is positioned correctly and that calibration regulations are observed.
  2. External influences: spring, summer, autumn and winter are the biggest problems for Deutsche Bahn. But this also applies to flashing. Heavy rain, fog, snow or light reflections from the sun can falsify the measurement results.
  3. Poor maintenance and wear and tear: To punish red light violations, so-called induction loops are often installed in the roadway. Due to the heavy wear and tear on the road, including trucks, the sensors can be damaged here.
  4. Correct distance: Even the punishment of distance violations is not immune to mistakes. If the measurement is carried out by a police vehicle driving behind using ProViDa technology, the distance to the vehicle in front must be kept constant in this case. Practice shows that this is not always the case.
  5. Bad photo: Anyone who is flashed and is sent a blurred speed camera photo on which the driver or the license plate cannot be clearly identified should also have the allegations checked.

Press contact:


Managing Director
Jan Ginhold
Phone: 030 / 99 40 43 610

Original content from: CODUKA GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell

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