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Football supporters march towards Tele2 Arena – without police permission

At Södermalm, supporters will walk together on Götgatan and then across Skanstullsbron to the Arena area at 11 o’clock. The match starts at 3:00 p.m. and the police have a particularly strong police presence because disturbances cannot be ruled out.

– Permits are usually applied for by the organizer at this type of gathering, but we have not received one, says Anna Wästberg, press spokesperson at the police in Stockholm.

As there is no organizer for the march, the police will establish a violation of the Public Order Act.

“We meet friends and go to the match”

Göran Rickmer, event manager at Hammarby football, says that Hammarby football has never organized marches, but the supporter culture stands for itself.

– According to supporters, it is not a public event, you meet your friends and go to the match. They don’t think a permit is needed to walk the streets and squares, he says.

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