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For Alberto Fernández, inflation is self-constructed and is in people’s heads

President Alberto Fernandez performed an analysis of the sustained increases in the prices of products and services produced during his tenureincluding the last number of December, when it reached 5.1%, closing the year 2022 with an accumulated 94.8%, and he summarized it by saying that much of that inflation is self-constructed and “is in people’s heads”.

Alberto Fernandez He made this statement in an interview with a Brazilian media outlet, in which he also pointed out that Argentines “have a fascination with the dollar”and despite acknowledging that “what I am saying is not good”, he insisted that “That fascination makes the Argentines have found a new development with inflation.”

For the president, inflation is “self-constructed.” Source: (Infobae)

The president later stated that “This phenomenon is negative and must be eradicated”, and criticized the administration of Mauricio Macri, for the “inheritance” he left after his government. In that sense Alberto Fernandez expanded that “When I was in the campaign, I warned the Argentines that the problem of inflation is not solved as Macri said, overnight, it takes time”he assured.

The President The Argentine also mentioned the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, to justify that both situations had an impact on “food and energy values”which strengthened the “inflationary process that we already had”, and highlighted that “Now we have to work so that inflation ends”.

Alberto Fernández spoke to the Brazilian press. Source: (Clarin)

In the excerpt from the interview that was highlighted in the official government press account, Alberto remarked that “We must eradicate the inflationary logic”when people see “in a newspaper that the fuel is going to go up, “begins to increase because of doubts”This is called “self-constructed inflation”, he stated.

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