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For Children’s Day, a bar gives away beer to those who are shorter

  • An economic benefit of 28 thousand 500 million pesos is expected for 2023.

  • Festive dates are important tools for brand advertising.

  • There are many brands that increase their sales with this type of promotions.

The festivities are special for brands, since it is the best opportunity for them to promote their services and products. This is the case of a bar in Torreón that launched a campaign for Children’s Day, where it indicates that it will be giving away beer to adults who are less than 1.60 meters tall.

This April 30 is celebrated in Mexico on Children’s Day, for which an economic benefit of 28 thousand 500 million pesos is expected, an increase of 14 percent compared to the same celebration last year, estimated the Confederation of National Chambers. of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco Servytur).

Despite the fact that it is a date focused on the little ones in the home, many brands seek to promote their services with campaigns that encourage to bring out the inner child that we all have inside and thus increase their sales.

The bell

As a good marketing strategy, a Mexican bar is attracting attention, and it is that it launched a creative promotion just for this April 30th.

The bar in Torreón shared its promotion on its account on the social network Facebook, where it indicated that the offer consists of giving a beer to its customers who measure less than one meter and 60 centimeters to celebrate this Children’s Day.

“At the opera we think of you. If you measure less than 1.60m, visit us on April 30 and we will give you a free average beer ”, reads the description of the publication.

The publication has gone viral to the point of registering various comments from Internet users, who celebrated with the venue for its creative promotion.

Also, among the comments, netizens also mentioned that they will participate in the promotion. “My time has come,” read one comment.

“Don’t say more, here I go”, reads another comment.

It is not the first time that a brand has joined the festivities to launch promotions, since Kiss Day was celebrated on April 13, and as part of its promotions to attract new customers, Burger King launched a dynamic in Peru , to celebrate it in a fun way.

Through social networks, it was revealed that the brand invented a promotion in which people would get a free hamburger if they followed a series of steps. The fast food company mentioned in its advertising that couples who arrive at the establishments and kiss in front of the boxes will receive a free whopper.

According to the brand, the idea arose thanks to the kissing contest that took place in Thailand, where a couple managed to kiss for 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds in 2013, a fact that broke all kinds of records and marked an event. important that today leads to celebrate this “manifestation of love”

In short, commemorative dates can be a great way for brands to renew their strategies and make consumers fall in love.

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