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“For me it seems insurmountable”: Hugo Manos reveals having passed a neuropsychological test and reveals the results

This Friday, March 17, Hugo Manos took over his Instagram account to indulge in some confidences with his community. He revealed that he took a neuropsychological test and revealed the result.

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In 2022, Hugo Manos was one of the most present columnists on the set of TPMP People. If some discovered it during its interventions in the weekly program of C8, others knew the influencer thanks to its passage in Holidays of the Angels 2 as a sponsor, or because it is the companion of Laurent Ruquier for several years. Absent for several weeks from TPMP People, the influencer explained his eviction by revealing that it did not come from his own will and that he still remained in the dark about it. However, the Franco-Greek is not one to twiddle his thumbs and other projects await him in the near future. In the meantime, his community can continue to follow him through social networks.

A review to finally have answers

This Friday, March 17, Hugo Manos wanted to share an important moment in his life with his subscribers. “A few weeks ago, I made an appointment for a neuropsychological assessment”, he began by explaining in his Instagram story of this Friday, March 17. The opportunity for him to indulge in his youth. “My whole school career during my childhood and my adolescence was hyper-complicated. I was completely offscreen. I was on the fringes of everything. I felt like I was in a system that was not suited to me. I never did a test or anything. You constantly receive judgment from others. You say to yourself: ‘Is it really my fault? Or is there something to explain'”, he confided. Before adding: “Today, at 35, I have found methods of camouflage, I would say. But I still feel in some ways out of step with others.”

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“A way to get rid of guilt”

In addition to understanding each other, Hugo Manos found another advantage in this famous balance sheet: It is also a way to relieve oneself of guilt and to understand oneself. Very often, the outside world tends to judge and belittle, that’s classic in human beings. Basically, he makes you understand that you haven’t worked. While there may be neuropsychological reasons for all this.” Result: the young man did two test sessions of two hours of all kinds. During the first meeting, he discovered that he had an IQ slightly above average. But this average is divided into three categories. If it is above in the first and in the middle in the other, the third is much lower. This explains his problems with working memory and temporarily holding information in memory.. To illustrate his remarks, he gave the example of the problems to be solved in mathematics. “To me, it seems insurmountable” confessed the influencer, citing problems with dyslexia. Hugo Hands is finally relieved to be able to understand and above all explain some of his difficulties now.

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Article written in collaboration with 6medias.

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