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For not traveling in first class, the owner of Tv Azteca humiliates a famous driver

The businessman Ricardo Salinas Pliego and the influencer Chumel Torres They once again star in an exchange of comments on the social network Twitter. This time, Salinas made fun of the way Chumel Torres travels, which has generated controversy among his followers.

Chumel Torres has been teased on social networks for different statements about Ricardo Salinas, so it is not the first time that these two characters have faced each other on the little bird’s social network.

On this occasion, Chumel Torres asked Ricardo Salinas if he took out golf, to which the businessman responded by mocking the humble way in which the Mexican youtuber travels.

Owner of Tv Azteca humiliates Chumel Torres

Chumel Torres’ post

Ricardo Salinas recommended that Chumel Torres learn to travel first class to avoid the inconvenience that can arise in economy class.

In addition, he stated that they should think about organizing golf in Huatulco or Malinalco and that he would invite special guests such as the famous Golden Scorpion, the actor Poncho de Nigris, the entrepreneur Memo Salinas and the sports commentator Luis García, who accompanied Chumel Torres during the exchange of comments.

The controversy generated by this exchange of comments has not left indifferent the

followers of both characters on Twitter. Andrés García also participated in the discussion, defending Chumel Torres and stating that his trip was not so bad.

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Chumel Torres and Ricardo Salinas friends?

Ricardo Salinas’ answer

Despite the multiple occasions in which Ricardo Salinas and Chumel Torres have starred in confrontations on Twitter, the two seem to have forged a kind of “friendship” on the social network, and even plan to organize a round of golf together.

This type of controversial exchanges on social networks are nothing new, since many times public figures and influencers generate controversy with their statements.

It should be noted that while this may be entertaining for some fans, it can also lead to unnecessary confrontation and fuel online hate.

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