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For Rodríguez Larreta, the political trial is an attack against democracy

The head of government of the City of Buenos Aires (CABA), Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, assured that the national government’s attempt to move forward with a political trial against all the members of the Supreme Court “passes all limits.” He maintains that they want to annul a state power, “disregarding democracy and violating the National Constitution.”

Rodriguez Larreta expressed that “It is a violation of the Constitution” to try to remove judges for “the content of their sentences” and assured that “in a republic, judges cannot be removed because we do not like their rulings.” The politician believes that the attempt to remove judges “is to ignore the proper mission of justice”, to interpret and enforce the National Constitution.

Rodríguez Larreta expressed himself through Twitter. Source: (Twitter Capture).

The Buenos Aires official maintains that the most serious thing is that “the independence of the Judiciary is the basis of the rule of law” and what guarantees the life, liberty and property of any citizen, said. “With justice subjected to political power, “as this government intends”, all Argentines remain helpless,” he insists. Rodriguez Larreta.

The Frente de Todos has a majority in the Political Trial Commission, with 16 of the 31 members, which assures the ruling party the admissibility of the prosecution and the opening of the summary of evidence to support the accusation, however, it will not be able to reach the “qualified majority of two thirds”, that is, 172 votes in the plenary session of the Chamber, with which “the removal will be rejected”.

Political Judgment Commission of the Chamber of Deputies. Source: (Infobae)

Rodríguez Larreta believes that the trial promoted by the president of the nation “will do serious damage to the economy”and wondered: “Who invests in a country whose president wants to annul the Judiciary?”, “trust cannot be generated in legal certainty if the highest president openly violates what the Highest Court says,” said the goverment’s head porteño.

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