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For the cheesy meal you should try these homemade burgers as good as at McDonald’s

For the cheat meal you should

Don’t feel like going out on a Saturday night and want to try something delicious homemade? This could be the perfect recipe…

When the weekend arrives and you go on a diet, you immediately think of the cheat meal of the week. This is essential that there is, so that you can get rid of your cravings and not overeat. However, it is important that this happens once a week, so that you can always maintain an impeccable line. Obviously, if you happen to eat something extra not included in the diet, nothing happens. So today we are going to see an economic alternative to the cheat, that is to prepare the sandwiches like McDonald’s at home.

Ingredients for sandwiches

To make about 4 large enough sandwiches we will need:

  • 280 g of flour;
  • 50ml of water;
  • 7 g of fresh yeast;
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • 30 ml of EVO oil;
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar and 1 of salt.

We will need

This is what we will need to prepare the bread dough. If you want, to save time, you can buy ready-made ones at the supermarket.

What can it be stuffed with?

The rule is to put everything we like into it. As an idea we could use these ingredients:

  • Hamburger;
  • tomatoes;
  • egg;
  • chips;
  • Cheddar;
  • salad;
  • BBQ sauce.


For the cheesy meal you should try these homemade burgers with vegan alternative as well

Once we’ve gathered all our ingredients, we can get to work. So first let’s see how sandwiches are made. We take a bowl and put the flour. In the 50 ml of water we dissolve the yeast fresh. Subsequently we add the milk, slightly warm. And then oil, salt and sugar. The sugar will be used to activate the yeast. Let’s knead until we get a homogeneous stick and let it rise for a few hours until it doubles in volume. A few hours have passed we divide the dough into 4 smaller loaves and let it rise for another 40 minutes.

Cooking and assembly

Once they have risen, all that remains is to insert them in the oven. We cook them at a temperature of 220 degrees for about 15 minutes. If you prefer, you can also put sesame seeds on top. Now our sandwiches are ready. We let them cool. We cook the burgers on the griddle, the eggs in the pan and fry the french fries on the side. We cut the tomatoes and we just have to assemble everything. Let’s make a first layer of BBQ sauce. Subsequently we put the salad, the hamburger with the cheddar melted on top, the chips, the tomatoes and the eggs. Another handful of BBQ sauce and we can close the sandwich and enjoy it. We could also make vegetarian alternatives. In that case we will use grilled vegetables and mozzarella. Or we can use vegan burgers that we can easily find in supermarkets. To give a touch of extra flavor you could prepare some delicious caramelized onion. Then for the sgarro meal you should try these burgers, they will definitely win your heart and be a great dinner idea.

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