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For the first time, a woman will lead the Philadelphia Zoo.

For the first time, a woman will lead the Philadelphia Zoo.

The Philadelphia Zoo, known as the oldest zoo in the United States, has named Dr. Jo-Elle Mogerman as its new President and CEO.

The doctor is the first woman to hold this position in the 164-year history of this institution, founded on March 21, 1859.

Mogerman is an expert in wildlife conservation and will take up the position from October 30, succeeding Vikram Dewan who led the institution for more than 16 years.

Caring for more than 1,300 animals and 42 acres of exhibits, the Philadelphia Zoo attracts more than 1.2 million visitors a year.

“I am honored to be selected as the next President and CEO of the Philadelphia Zoo,” said Dr. Mogerman. “I look forward to leading the exceptional team in advancing the zoo’s mission and amplifying its impact in the region, while contributing to conservation in meaningful ways locally, regionally, and nationally.”

Joanna McNeil Lewis, Chair of the Zoo’s Board of Directors, said, “Dr. Mogerman’s impressive resume and accomplishments speak for themselves, but it was her clear commitment to community, animal welfare, staff development and excellence. operational, which made her the ideal person to lead our renowned zoo.”

Dr. Mogerman has a Ph.D. in biology from the University of Illinois and is the director of the WildCare Park at the St. Louis, Missouri Zoo. Her naming represents a historic milestone for one of the most iconic cultural institutions in the city of Philadelphia.

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