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For this reason you should no longer charge your cell phone from your computer

For this reason you should no longer charge your cell phone from your computer

Many owners of cell phones sometimes they charge them with the USB cable on their computer for convenience and speed, since sometimes it is easier than plugging it into the outlet.

However, the reality is that always charging your cell phone from computers is not as good an idea as it seems. Well has terrible consequences for these mobile devices.

Next, we will tell you about the possible side effects of charging your cell phone on a computer and laptops so that you can start avoiding it.

These are the reasons why you stop charging your cell phone on your computer

Don’t charge your cell phone on the computer anymore.

you must stop charge your cell phone from your computer because it has dire consequences for these mobile devices. For starters, it takes a lot longer for it to fully charge and this causes its temperature to rise drastically.

This excess temperature puts the internal system at risk. Also, computer USB ports are not designed to charge electronic devices.

Another reason for you to stop connecting to your smartphone to charge it on any computer is that the battery will reduce its life or be completely damaged.

So the best way to do it will always be through your power adapter, since it is designed to charge cell phones by properly controlling the voltage.

It may interest you: Beware: These 4 tools on your cell phone will consume your battery even if you do not use them

What is better to charge the cell phone on or off?

The best way to turn off your cell phone.

Another tip that we share with you in The Truth News, is that the best way to charge your cell phone is after turning it off until it is fully charged. This way you will prevent it from overheating.

Discover here the correct way to see if your iPhone battery is still in good condition.

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