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Former gendarme was accused of abusing and harassing his own daughter

Wednesday February 15, 2023 | 10:55 a.m.

Last Friday, a retired gendarme showed up at a store in Jardín América and asked for one of the employees. The colleagues told him that the girl was off duty that day, before which the man introduced himself as the girl’s father and told her. sent greetings The scene might seem inconsequential, normal and everyday, were it not for the fact that thirteen months ago the person involved was denounced for sexual abuse with carnal access to the detriment of his biological daughter, the same one for whom he asked on Friday at his workplace in violation of the prohibition current approach.

The victim is 21 years old and her father’s actions invade her with fear, since he manages himself with total impunity and constantly harasses her. The defendant is 76 years old. “My childhood and adolescence were hell because my own father raped me from the age of 4 to 17. On January 10 of last year, I filed a complaint at the Jardín América Women’s Police Station and related all the damage he did to me, but he did not spend a single day in prison. Because of his age, they granted him release from prison, so he believes he is untouchable and he harasses me all the time, ”explained the young woman, whose identity is preserved so as not to revictimize her.

In dialogue with El Territorio, she said that her father always had a residence in Jardín América, while she grew up with her mother in a nearby town. “They were never a stable couple, each one had his family, but my dad always visited me and looked for me. The abuse began when she was 4 years old. I remember lying on the bed, between my mom and dad, where he used to grope me. I was a creature and he made me look at pornography. I lost my virginity at the age of 11 due to the abuse of my own father, ”she recalled through tears.

Abuses and blows

According to the victim, her biological father abused her on countless occasions, both at home and in his car, while beating her and threatening to kill her if she told what he did to her. “She took every moment she could to rape me. She always had me subjected, she threatened and beat me, on one occasion she suffocated me and told me that if she wanted to, she would kill me. Also my mother was very beaten by him, ”she assured.

In this context, his childhood and adolescence were an ordeal, since the abuse lasted until he was 17 years old. In this regard, she mentioned that “when I was little, he knew that what he did to me was something very bad, but fear weighed more heavily on me. But when I got older I understood more and I started to walk away. For example, he would go to my mom’s house and I would lock myself in my room and put on big clothes.”

Finally, on January 5 of last year, he told his mother and that same day he left home to completely cut off the ties with his father. “My mom believed me, but she has a hard time assimilating,” she added. Meanwhile, she affirmed that a sister on her mother’s side would also have been a victim of the same rapist. “To get out, at the age of 18 she went to live with her boyfriend. She is now 30, but she never reported it. I know why my father told me that he abused my sister, like boasting, and later she confirmed it herself. I don’t know how many more victims there will be, ”she warned.

cry for help

The complaint against his father was filed on January 10 of last year before the Jardín América Police Station. Meanwhile, the file labeled sexual abuse with repeated carnal access, aggravated by the relationship, is processed before the Investigating Court of the same town. “Once they summoned me to court, but since I don’t have a lawyer they don’t give me much importance. Instead, my dad has two lawyers, ”he opined.

Likewise, she warned about the actions of the accused, who constantly harassed her, violating the current ban on approaching, as she denounced on several occasions and reiterated after the episode last Friday. “That day I was off duty, but he went to my job and asked for me. Since they told him that he wasn’t there, he introduced himself as my dad and sent me his regards. Some of my colleagues who know about my complaint could not believe the impunity with which he handles himself, because it is not that he came to my work by chance, but rather that he asked for me, ”she expressed indignantly.

In this sense, he added that his workplace has a security camera system, whose analysis would corroborate the episode and the presence of the person involved in the premises. That same night the young woman went to the Women’s Police Station, but the unit was closed, she assured her.

“From there I went to the First Section and explained the situation, but they treated me very badly and they did not want to take the complaint, until an acquaintance interceded. I live in terror and it seems that the authorities do not react. All I want is justice and rebuild my life. I have already suffered too much and I believe that I deserve to live in peace, ”he stressed.

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