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Former participant of Exatlón México announces the death of his baby

The athlete has received the support of her colleagues and her loyal fans.

It was at the end of last January when we informed you that Cecy Wushu and her husband Elijah Dorado advertised through social media the arrival of his firstborn. Today, the couple reports on the death of the little onewho unfortunately born premature.

“With the same love that I share the good times with you, I have to share sad news, at 23 weeks I had a premature birth with a lot of pain and with a broken heart we gave our baby to God,” she wrote. the athlete of Exatlón Mexico in a video shared on his Instagram account.

The news did not go unnoticed by his followers, who they gave him words of encouragement and consolation. Likewise, her Exatlón companions did not hesitate to join the wave of affection that today serves to mitigate the great pain that a mother feels when losing her son.

Share heartbreaking message

The athlete dedicated a few last words to her deceased firstborn.

After announcing that her firstborn had died, the star athlete of the TV Azteca sports reality followed the Instagram video to share a devastating message where she talks about her brief experience of being a mother: “I understood the unconditional love that my mother spoke to me about so many times and has shown me day by day.”

Finally, she thanked the fans for all the support received throughout these last months and asked that respect their mourning: “I ask you with a lot of love to give me the time that is necessary to assimilate the hard moment that our family is going through and live our grief, if at any moment I feel ready, I will talk about it.”

It may interest you: Former member of Exatlón ends his marriage

Who is Cecilia Wushu?

Today it is fondly remembered by Exatlón fans.

as you mentioned The Truth News previously, Cecilia Alvarez She is an athlete who has won fifteen gold medals and four-time Pan American Wushu champion, born in Torreón, Coahuila. she became famous by being part of the Heroes team in ‘Titans vs. Heroes’the fourth season of Exatlón Mexico.

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