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Former President Alberto Fujimori hospitalized for hip fracture

Alberto Fujimori resumes political party and evaluates presidential candidacy

LIMA.- The former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori, 85 years old, is admitted to a clinic in Lima, where he waits to undergo a complex and risky surgery after suffering a fall that caused a hip fracture. His daughter, Keiko Fujimorireported on Wednesday, June 26, on the health status of his father.

Fujimori fell in his bedroom, resulting in a fracture that required surgery. “My father needs surgery to put a complete prosthesis on his left hip,” Keiko said. “However, because he takes blood thinners for his heart condition, we must wait for the effects of these medications to subside before proceeding with surgery,” she explained.

The operation that the former president needs is long and entails significant risks due to his pre-existing health conditions and his state of weakness after various medical treatments. “Although he is stable at this time, we are aware of the challenges that this surgery presents,” added the daughter of the former Peruvian president.

Fujimori’s fracture comes at a time when his health is weakened by immunotherapy and radiotherapy treatment for a malignant tumor in his tongue, detected in early May.

Alberto Fujimori was president of Peru between 1990 and 2000, and in 2009 he was convicted of human rights violations and corruption. However, last December he was released after receiving a humanitarian pardon from former President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski in 2017, a decision ratified by the Constitutional Court despite the objections of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

Fujimori, who is about to turn 86 on July 28, remains an influential figure in Peruvian politics. He has recently joined the Fuerza Popular party, led by his daughter Keiko, who considers her father a historic leader of the movement.

Source: With information from AP and AFP

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