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Former vice president, ally of Rafael Correa, requests asylum in Mexico

Former vice president, ally of Rafael Correa, requests asylum in Mexico

LIMA.- The former vice president of Ecuador, Jorge Glas, formally requested political asylum from the Government of Mexico, as confirmed by his lawyer, Eduardo Franco Loor, through social networks.

The decision of Glas, who held the position of vice president during the terms of former presidents Rafael Correa and Lenín Moreno, is based on what was established by the 1954 Caracas Diplomatic Asylum Convention.

Loor stated that his client is being subjected to political persecution in Ecuador and that his life is in danger, especially given the imminent possibility of being arrested and imprisoned in an Ecuadorian prison.

This legal movement arises in response to the recent arrest request presented by the Ecuadorian Prosecutor’s Office in the context of ongoing investigations into alleged embezzlement of funds.

The Attorney General of Ecuador, Diana Salazar, specifically requested the location, location, immobilization and transfer of Glas, who remains sheltered in the Mexican Embassy in Quito, without using handcuffs, with the aim of carrying out various investigative procedures.

Tensions between Ecuador and Mexico

From the Government of Mexico, they confirmed that Glas appeared on December 17 at the headquarters of the Mexican diplomatic legation to request his entry and safeguard, expressing fear for his safety and personal freedom. As a result, he was allowed access as a guest, confirming the North American country’s willingness to protect Glas.

The Glas situation generates diplomatic tensions between Ecuador and Mexico, while both countries try to address this delicate case that involves political and legal aspects. The future of the former Ecuadorian vice president now remains in the hands of the Mexican authorities in charge of evaluating his request for political asylum.

Source: With information from AFP

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