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Formula 1: After the end of his career – Sebastian Vettel receives a special offer from the Red Bull boss

After 16 years, Sebastian Vettel said goodbye to Formula 1 in winter.Image: imago / Motorsport Images

formula 1

After moving to Ferrari (2015), things gradually went downhill for Sebastian Vettel: in the early years, the ex-world champion still won races regularly, but in the overall standings he was never able to hold a candle to Lewis Hamilton in a Mercedes. At Aston Martin, Vettel was then completely unregistered from the top field, and still scored points from time to time.

Michael Schumacher (right) congratulates Red Bull driver Vettel on his third world title.Image: dpa / Jens Büttner

In the course of this, Vettel became convinced that he no longer needed the regular stress of competition. In July, the 35-year-old announced his retirement from motorsport. In the future, he wants to spend more time with his family. His fans wondered whether Vettel would have tired of Formula 1 if he had continued to compete for podium places at Red Bull.

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“Knowing what he can do”: RB boss opens the door for Vettel

After all, the German has won the overall ranking there four times in a row (2010 to 2013). Vettel and Red Bull simply belong together, thinks Interview with RTL/ntv also RB boss Helmut Marko. As indicated towards the end of the season, the 79-year-old now confirms that Red Bull is open to Vettel’s return.

Helmut Marko’s team (in white) is currently the non-plus-ultra in Formula 1.Image: imago / NurPhoto

The racing team knows “what a Sebastian Vettel can do,” explains Marko. “We know how he works. We know that he is an open-minded, intelligent young man,” he praises his old companion and promises a strategic role in the team.

“Have to see what he wants”: Exact position at Red Bull still unclear

However, you have to give the ex-world champion time – also so that he can be with his family as announced. “I think he has to find himself first and see what he wants exactly,” reveals Marko.

Because if [Vettel] For example, if you were to take a managerial position in a managerial position, then it would involve just as much effort and travel as it did last time,” the Red Bull boss knows.

Vettel (left) always looked good in front of the camera. Nevertheless, he definitely does not want to become a TV expert.Image: dpa / Uwe Anspach

Vettel himself had already indicated after announcing his resignation that he could remain in Formula 1 as an official. He just doesn’t want to do one job: “I’m definitely not going to become an expert and run around telling the guys in the car what they’re doing wrong,” Vettel is quoted as saying.

Formula 1 is currently experiencing an unprecedented boom. The racing series is increasingly opening up huge markets such as China and the USA. Especially in the States, the hype surrounding the premier class of motorsport is huge – also due to the great success of the Netflix series “Drive to Survive”, the fifth season of which will be released on February 24th.

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