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Formula 1: Mercedes boss becomes clear in controversial rule proposals

Toto Wolff likes the traditional structure of a Grand Prix.Image: AP / Sergei Grits / dpa

Formula 1

Formula 1 has experienced international hype in recent years. This also depends on the Netflix documentary “Drive to survive”, which was co-initiated by Liberty Media, the company that owns Formula 1.

Formula 1 boss Stefano Domenicali is working on further ideas so that the sport can continue to grow. One of them: reducing the number of training sessions. Domenicali had said on the fringes of the MotoGP season opener: “I am in favor of the cancellation of the free practice sessions. These are of great benefit to the engineers, but are not welcomed by the public.”

Stefano Domenicali caused a stir with his move to free practice sessions.Image: AP / Olivier Matthys / dpa

That would mean a big change to the Formula 1 weekend schedule. The move caused a stir. Now Mercedes boss Toto Wolff also comments on the proposal.

Mercedes boss is skeptical about changes

Toto Wolff clarifiedthat he likes the traditional structure of a Grand Prix. “I’m more on the conservative side. I like qualifying, I like the Grand Prix,” he says. He also explains:

“We shouldn’t be working on this with a baseball bat, but rather with a carpet knife, because you can work more precisely with it.”

Wolff also sees difficulties in making changes during the season. He doesn’t think two qualifying sessions are bad per se. And yet he finds: “If we stick to the current format, then we won’t get the drive mileage and Pirelli won’t have enough tires either. So we have to find a solution here.”

Toto Wolff also open to new ideas

On the other hand, the Mercedes boss also shows his openness to new things. He explains that you have to “be open to where the sport is going”. In order to determine the best principle for further action, it is important “to come to a common denominator,” he clarifies.

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According to Wolff, they would all pursue the same goal. And that lies in “continuing to develop the sport well and increasing its audience”.

He responded favorably to Domenicali’s proposal. “Whatever Stefano thinks is good, he will have the numbers on the table, what’s good for the spectators and what’s good for the Formula 1 brand.”said is.

(With material from SID)

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