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Formula 1: New job for Mick Schumacher – chances of being used are increasing significantly

Mick Schumacher has his sights set on returning as a regular driver. Image: IMAGO/NurPhoto

formula 1

When Mick Schumacher signed on as a reserve driver at Mercedes after leaving the Haas Formula 1 team, it seemed like a step backwards to most fans. Because in the coming season Mick will only race if one of the regular drivers drops out. Because Formula 1 drivers are usually real athletes and are driven by great sporting ambition, this is relatively rare.

Nico Hülkenberg, who was reserve driver for Aston Martin last year, was only used twice during this period. And only because regular driver Sebastian Vettel was infected with the corona virus. Hülkenberg was even relatively well served with this: most of the replacement drivers are not used at all.

Despite his role as reserve driver, Nico Hulkenberg was able to prove himself on the track several times. Image: / PanoramiC

The Hulkenberg case is also a good example for drivers who want to qualify for higher tasks from the second row. After all, it is he who takes over Mick’s cockpit at Haas for the new season.

Mick Schumacher hopes for quick F1 comeback

Mick also wants to go down such a path himself. After leaving Haas, he announced that he would work hard to make a comeback as a regular driver. The chances of that happening have now increased significantly.

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As the McLaren racing team officially announced on Wednesday, Mick will also represent their drivers in the coming season should they drop out. This is part of an agreement with Mercedes, writes the traditional British racing team on Twitter.

McLaren has also published photos on social media showing the Germans adjusting seats in their factory. “Welcome to the family, Mick,” writes the team here.

Record season suits Mick Schumacher

With the additional commitment at McLaren, the 23-year-old doubles his chances of racing in 2023. Because he is now not only the first representative of the Mercedes drivers Lewis Hamilton and George Russell, but also the McLaren drivers Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri.

In addition, there will be 23 races in the new season for the first time – more than ever before. So there are certainly worse times to be a reserve driver in Formula 1.

Marcel Sabitzer’s Bundesliga career was characterized by constant ups and downs: In Leipzig’s first season in the Oberhaus, he was runner-up (2017) and Sabitzer was crowned Austria’s footballer of the year. The following season was marked by injuries (2018) before he really got going again and even became captain of RB in 2020.

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