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Forsa poll the day after the election: the majority of Berliners want a grand coalition with Wegner as governing mayor

Red-Green-Red? Black red? Black green? Wegner or Giffey? After the repeat election in Berlin, several government constellations are possible. But what do Berliners actually want one day after the election?

The opinion research institute Forsa asked 1,126 representatively selected voters about their preferences on Monday. The result: 65 percent of those surveyed saw the task of forming a government as clearly in the hands of the Berlin CDU – well ahead of the SPD (15 percent) and the Greens (10 percent).

45 percent of those surveyed believed that a so-called grand coalition of CDU and SPD could govern Berlin best. The previous alliance of SPD, Greens and Left accounted for 33 percent. Only 15 percent of those surveyed could imagine that black and green could move the most in Berlin. According to the survey, most of those eligible to vote in Berlin would also personally prefer a grand coalition (42 percent).

When asked about their mayoral preferences, 39 percent of those surveyed wanted CDU top candidate Kai Wegner as the new governing mayor of Berlin. The previous governor, Franziska Giffey (SPD), came to 27 percent, Greens top candidate Bettina Jarasch to 19 percent.

Overall, according to the survey, those eligible to vote in Berlin are dissatisfied with the outcome of the parliamentary elections. Only 33 percent stated that they were “(very) satisfied” with the result, while 65 percent were “less satisfied” or “not at all satisfied”.

Only among the surveyed voters who had previously voted for the CDU, the proportion of satisfied (73 percent) predominates. Voters from all other parties were unhappy. First and foremost the Left voters, of whom 84 percent said they were dissatisfied with Sunday’s election results.

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