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Fortnite: This is new in update 23.20 – patch notes are here!

Epic Games releases Fortnite Update 23.20 as a download. in one current blog entry the developers present the patch notes and go into the individual changes and innovations. Among other things, the update comes with the falcon drone into the battle royale shooter. With it you fly through the air, search for loot and mark all opponents in a certain radius for your team with a falcon call. You can also use the Falcon Drone to open containers and pick up loot.

This is how the Flakendrone works

“So that you can Control falcon drone better can, the camera view is placed behind the drone. If you’re not fighting in a team, you’re completely defenseless – so find a good hiding place if you’re playing alone,” writes Epic Games in the Patch notes for update 23.20. Also note that the drone can of course be shot down by your opponents. You can find them as loot on the ground, in normal chests, in Oathbound Chests, and in Supply Drops.

New reality extensions

New to Fortnite (buy now €18.23 ) Update 23.20 is five additional reality extensions. Shali’s Treasure gives you a Treasure Map, Shotgun Specialist restores your health when you hit enemies with a shotgun. Both common and uncommon weapons gain lifesteal on kills with “Rarity Gain” (not available in competitive modes). Zero Thrust gives you the Zero Thrust ability for a short time when you break enemy shields. And: With “Danger Expert” you get a short-term condition regeneration and an increased movement speed when your shields break.

From update 23.20 it is also possible to take hired characters as passengers in vehicles. The patch is rounded off by individual bug fixes. This has fixed a bug that required Deku’s Smash to be disabled in Battle Royale and Null Build modes. After the patch, Deku’s Smash will be re-enabled. The fact that sprinting does not work during matches should now also be a thing of the past.

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