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Forum Leiblachtal: Presentation of module 2 on neighborhood development

(from left to right) Deputy Mayor Stefan Fischnaller, Architect Wolfgang Ritsch, Mayor Andreas Kresser, Samuel Kegele (ZM3), Provincial Father Dr. Friedrich Emde, Christoph Sedlmeier (Stiftung Liebenau) and Michael Metzler (ZM3)
©Forum Leiblachtal

Hörbranz. The market town of Hörbranz, together with the ZM3 real estate company, recently invited to the presentation of module 2 of the preliminary design phase of the district development.

Numerous interested citizens from the entire Leiblachtal were informed about the current status of planning and the further course of the district development in the Leiblachtalsaal informed. By the way, the entire event can be over YouTube to be checked.

The focus was on the results of the citizens’ workshop, the strategic target developed with the municipality and the preliminary draft for the development of the district derived from this by the planning team under the direction of the architect Wolfgang Ritsch.

Forum Leiblachtal – climate-friendly development for the Leiblachtal

At the beginning of the event, Mayor welcomed Andrew Kresser everyone who was interested and was impressed by the performance of Wolfgang Ritsch and all those involved. He praised the professional and transparent approach to project development. For example, citizens were actively involved in brainstorming and the design process as part of participatory workshops.

Some community representatives also took this opportunity to actively participate. The market community was also involved in the design process as part of a client workshop. The mayor also emphasized the broad selection of specialist planners who participated in another workshop led by Wolfgang Ritsch.

“It was important to the planning team and Wolfgang Ritsch to plan ahead with a time horizon of at least 50 years. For example, a meteorologist was specially invited to make the area “climate fit” with a view to global warming. As part of the specialist planning workshop, building structures were positioned in such a way that they do not impede the land-sea thermals, so that the area can then cool down naturally at night.”

A location for the Leiblachtal

Samuel Kegele (ZM3 Group) thanked all participants, especially the participants of the citizens’ workshop. Within the framework of 3 workshops, all 74 previously submitted usage ideas were dealt with and the most suitable suggestions were discussed in depth.

Based on the results of the workshop, a strategic target image was developed. “The focus of use should be on regionality, nutrition, education and health. Furthermore, the Forum Leiblachtal is to be developed into an attractive location with a cross-community range of uses for the region,” says Kegele.

Preliminary draft district development

In his presentation, architect Ritsch described in detail the results of the previous analysis and planning with the objectives derived from them as well as the mobility and traffic concept, building and room structures, green and open space concept.

In addition to the listed ensemble, the service building is also to be preserved and act as the new “heart” in the area. Although this is not listed as a monument, it is absolutely worth preserving. In this building, a new type of offer is to be created with a focus on regionality, nutrition and education.

The monastery and the other listed objects are to continue to be used as before for the time being. It is still unclear whether the boarding school for boys at the Lochau State Vocational School will find space in the monastery. The existing allotment gardens will be replaced by an allotment garden outside the site.

In addition to the existing buildings, quarter-forming structures are to be positioned which, together with an attractive open space planning, form green inner courtyards with a high quality of stay. According to architect Wolfgang Ritsch, living space is to be created to the east and south of the farm building. The focus will be on assisted living, community service and short-term housing.

There will be no condominiums. In the center of the area, a gastronomic offer is also to be created along a meeting zone. An office and administration building and small commercial halls complete the mix of uses.

“We attach particular importance to an attractive exterior design. Several courtyards with different focal points are to be created within the building structures. Among other things, a particularly attractive playground is to be created there, which should also appeal to adults,” says architect Ritsch.

In module 3 (draft development) of the district development there will be a feedback evening at the end of May 2023 to which all participants of the citizens’ workshop are invited. By the beginning of July, the draft of the district development should be finalized and presented to the people of Hörbranz again as part of a further presentation. More info also on

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