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Found several thousand acorns in the wall

The worms in the wall turned out to be mealworms eating a pile of acorns.

A hungry woodpecker had tried to store acorns in the chimney of the property in San Francisco.

– It was very strange. I’ve never seen worms with acorns before, the pest manager, Nick Castro, told CNN.

Over 300 kilos

After he made a small hole in the wall, the nuts started pouring out.

– It was quite incredible to see that crowd, Castro said.

He believes there were over 300 kilos of acorns which have most likely been gathered in the last two to five years.

Woodpeckers often store acorns outside homes, sometimes in gutters, but rarely bring them inside.

Took all day

In this case, Castro discovered that the birds dropped the nuts through a hole in the chimney. All the thousand acorns filled the cavity in the walls.

According to Castro, strange things happen at work, but this strange find took unusual to a new level for the man who has worked in the industry for more than 20 years.

– On a scale of one to ten, this is a ten. It is rare to find something so unique, Castro said.

They had to make three new holes in the wall to remove all the nuts. It took all day for Castro and his three associates to remove them all.

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