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Four men are acquitted of the explosions in Malmö in February last year

Four men were indicted for having been behind the explosions, but all were acquitted by the Malmö district court of the charges of public dangerous destruction or attempts at the same crime.

Convicted of other crimes

However, one of the men, who is 21 years old, is sentenced to two years in prison for two counts of violating the Flammable and Explosive Goods Act, one of which is considered serious.

Another man, aged 36, was sentenced to three months in prison for a large number of cases of illegal driving and using a false document.

Two men are fully acquitted

The two other men, 21 and 19 years old, are fully acquitted. The 19-year-old man was also accused of being behind an explosion outside a restaurant in central Malmö on December 8, 2021, but was acquitted of that charge as well.

See SVT’s reporter’s report on the ground after one of the explosions in Rosengård:

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Several of the residents describe that they are worried and shocked after the explosion. Photo: SVT
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