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Four participants are absent from the Farm celebrity final

On Sunday, the winner of Farmen kendis will be announced. It is then between influencers Sofie Karlstad (25), who secured the last semi-final place, Trond Moi (53) and Ørnulf Høyer (66).

Before the final, the previous contestants who have left the farm will return. The former participants must then both vote for the person they feel deserves to win the Farm.

Before this, they will also have the opportunity to ask the finalists various questions before they make the important choice.

However, not all the participants will be there for the final meeting.

OUT: Christopher, Ingrid and Aleksander had to leave Farmen kendis after Sofie beat them in cooking. Photo: Anton Soggiu

Lina Adampour (37), Malin Nesvoll (33), Espen PA Lervaag (45), and Marit Andreassen (56) will all be absent from the final day, which the viewers will see on the screen.

TV 2 can confirm that there is no drama surrounding the participants that will not be seen during the final day.

Both Adampour and Nesvoll withdrew from the programme, and will therefore automatically not have the opportunity to return to the final.

Lervaag and Andreassen, who by definition withdrew from Torpet celebrity, will not be there either.

They will, on the other hand, cast an official vote during the final, which will be communicated and explained by presenter Tiril Sjåstad Christiansen (27) during the final.

You can see the Farm celebrity final on Sunday at 20 on TV 2 Direkte, and from 18 on TV 2 Play.

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