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Four traffic accidents, one fatality and chaos on the highway to get to CABA

This Tuesday morning the La Plata-Buenos Aires highway is a real chaos. In the midst of the protest of buses that reduced their service, there have been four accidents so far; of which one of them ended with a fatality.

Arriving at 7 in the morning, three accidents complicated the traffic on the highway. The first one occurred in kilometer 8.5 heading to the City of Buenos Aires. A motorcyclist was run over and after falling to the asphalt another vehicle hit him, instantly causing his death. The incident in which the minor vehicle, a car and a truck were involved generated rows of up to 10 kilometers at the height of Avellaneda.

Another accident occurred in the km 16,5, also meaning CABA. In that event participated three vehicles and there were no serious injuries.

He third accident occurred at kilometer 43, one person had to be transferred to hospital after overturn his vehicle, which also caused traffic problems.

Lastly, in the kilometer 49the closest to La Plata, another chain crash consisting of five vehicles generated delays in all lanes. No injuries were reported in this.

On the part of the bus service, the routes are already normalized but in the last hours they announced a stoppage for tomorrow Wednesday in the “valley time”, which goes from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


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