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France: an Algerian nicknamed “the most active thief in Paris”, sentenced

On November 16 in Paris, a man of Algerian nationality was arrested by the Anti-Crime Brigade (BAC) after several repeated thefts. It was only this Wednesday, January 18, 2023 that he was finally tried and sentenced for his actions.

According to the media actu17, which relayed the case, the 43-year-old man was wanted but continued to steal. Moreover, he had been arrested several times and had already been sentenced.

Named Nabil, the forty-year-old is suspected of having stolen the handbag from a favorite Bouches-du-Rhône police Frédérique Camilleri and even a NATO computer. Indeed, on July 15, he entered the Cercle National des Armées to steal a computer. In addition to the previously mentioned thefts, the man allegedly stole the equivalent of 70,000 euros worth of jewelry from a tourist last September.

Le Figaro, meanwhile, describes him as the “most active thief in Paris”.

The Algerian who pretended to be an Israeli is sentenced

The Algerian pretended to be an Israeli in order to escape justice and hide his true identity from the authorities. In addition, Nabil would be a fine strategist and used trickery to slip through the cracks. A source from the police headquarters told Le Figaro: “He is a thief who knows the tricks of the judicial system well and who does not hesitate to do everything possible to end up in the hospital and avoid being questioned. too long by the police”.

This was not enough because the man was apprehended by the police, who managed to apprehend him in the metro. They therefore searched his home and found a sum of money exceeding 8000 euro is but also several stolen objects (including a saxophone at 700 euros).

Finally, the man will come back to trial in March 2023.

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