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France: the SNCF strike notice is lifted for the New Year

The four SNCF trade union organizations have signed an agreement put on the table by management.

Reading time: 2 mins

Lhe four SNCF trade unions signed the agreement put on the table by management on Thursday evening and lifted all strike notices that threatened the New Year weekend, as a weekend of Christmas already severely disrupted, the SNCF announced on Friday.

This agreement “acts strong measures for a real recognition of the profession of skipper”, welcomed the public group in a press release, indicating despite everything that “the disturbances will remain unchanged for this weekend”. “All the conditions are now met for all the captains to return to work,” added the SNCF.

The CGT-Cheminots, the Unsa-Ferroviaire – the only union to have already lifted its notice –, SUD-Rail and the CFDT-Cheminots have therefore agreed to put an end to the conflict, triggered by a collective of controllers formed on Facebook and which rejected any trade union membership.

Thursday evening, several additional measures were proposed by the management to calm the situation which had become explosive within the group, which was under intense pressure from the government to end the strike.

Among the measures promised by the management of the SNCF, the creation of a “management of the captains” in order to recognize the specificities of the profession and to be more attentive to the problems which could arise.

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Strike at the SNCF: what Belgians who go to France during the holidays should know

The specific bonus for skippers will also increase from 600 to 720 euros. And management has committed to hiring 200 additional controllers in 2023 in addition to the 350 already planned. Finally, career development and salary progression guarantees have been approved by management.

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