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Francisco “Pacho” Maturana, Mauro Silva and Jorge Burruchaga will train coaches from the Santa Fe League

Figures such as Francisco “Pacho” Maturana, Jorge Burruchaga and Mauro Silva will give the seminar “Your own methodology” between Thursday and Friday, which with the organization of the AFA and Conmebol will take place in the city of Santa Fe directed in exclusively to technicians, leaders and coordinators of the Santa Fe Football League.

The initiative, which has the support of the provincial government, will be held in the auditorium of the Museum of the Constitution of the city of Santa Fe.

Gerardo Pelusso, Alejandro Garay, Julio Olarticoechea and Reinaldo Rueda are also part of the team of speakers, and the training will have an official certification from Conmebol.

The organizers pointed out that in the talks, for which there are more than 300 registered, relevant issues for the development of South American football will be touched on from its base categories, through all disciplines, in men and women.

The official presentation of the activities will take place this Wednesday at 11 at Avenida 7 Jefes 3518, on the West Coast.

For the Provincial Sports Secretary, Florencia Molinero, “it is important to accompany the initiatives that promote the growth of sport in Santa Fe.”

“This time, together with the soccer community, a discipline widely practiced in Santa Fe, which has always had references at the highest level and constant growth.”

The official also highlighted that during the match the final of the so-called Beach Soccer Evolution League will be played, which will face Brazil and Paraguay, the winners of the north and south zones, played in 2022.

The finals of the senior category and the Sub20 will be played on Saturday, April 29 and Sunday, April 30, respectively.

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