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François Hollande: “Vladimir Putin has already lost the war in Ukraine”

Former French President François Hollande spoke about the war in Ukraine and the position of Vladimir Poutine this Monday morning, on the airwaves of Bel RTL.

Reading time: 1 min

SAccording to François Hollande, former President of France, Vladimir Putin will not win the war in Ukraine. “He has already lost the war,” he said on Bel RTL on Monday morning. “He imagined returning to Ukraine as a liberator and he is in the process of evacuating Kheron, a city he had conquered at the start of the conflict. He is definitely looking for a solution. He hopes that the winter can freeze the case and that we will get tired of paying more for energy or living with high inflation”.

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François Hollande believes that the Russian president is aiming for negotiations with Europe and the United States. “It only depends on us to inflict the most serious defeat possible on him so that he does not start again”, aims the former French president.

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