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Frankfurt speaks power to Kolo Muani

After a strong six-month period at Eintracht Frankfurt and a decent World Cup with Vice World Champion France, prospects are queuing up for Randal Kolo Muani. In the Main metropolis, however, they are not thinking about letting the 24-year-old attacker go this January.

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“We will not sell Kolo Muani”, quotes the ‘kicker’ sports director Markus Krösche. Head coach Oliver Glasner agrees with his boss: “Markus Krösche said it quite clearly: We don’t want to lose any top performers. We also have feedback from our players that they want to stay with us. Something extraordinary can always happen, but the conditions for us to stay together, which I consider very important, are good.

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Betting already open

AC Milan, Tottenham Hotspur, Manchester United and FC Bayern have recently been specifically linked to Kolo Muani. Clubs that would have the wherewithal to sign the Frenchman. According to reports, a 60 million offer fluttered in from the Red Devils a few days ago. Contact was also made from Munich.

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Glasner remains calm despite the increased interest: “It will be like this throughout January. A rumor here, a rumor there.” In Frankfurt they will look at Kolo Muani’s contract, which runs until 2027. Accordingly, Eintracht would only have to deal with letting their top scorer (15 goal participations) go in the middle of the season from a moon sum.

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