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Fraud, how the CNE electoral farce was forged on June 28

Edmundo González refuses to sign an agreement proposed by the Maduro regime

CARACAS. – Al “fraud “electoral” was exposed long before the National Electoral Council (CNE), at the service of the regime of Venezuela, I would attribute it to Nicolas Maduro majority of votes, without official totalling and auditing, in a process marked by opportunism and arbitrariness.

On July 28, after voting alone and very early in the morning, Maduro called to “finish off” to “convince and defeat” his followers, following the warning of the pro-government governor Freddy Bernal, in an interview days before. “I tell you that we are going to win… I am not going to give you a number, I am going to tell you what I am doing in Táchira and throughout the country: each member of UBCH has a folder with a methodology that we have developed, we know who is going to vote for us, who can vote against us and who is more or less there.”

The count is now accompanied by an alleged “hacking” of data transmission, according to the regime’s prosecutor Tarek William Saab, which would require an audit. Without this and the publication of detailed results, Maduro has been proclaimed.

“The united opposition has 40% of the printed ballots in its possession, according to the leader María Corina Machado, and could show them to the international community because it would be a representative sample,” said Omar Barboza, secretary general of the United Platform. However, it is not certain that 60% of the ballots and minutes are the originals, analysts say.

How it was assembled fraud

The electoral fraud was supposedly conceived mathematically and not with the machines in which each voter voted for the opposition candidate Edmundo González and obtained his ballot. Each machine also totals the votes and delivers a printed record at the tables. That is where the chain of fraud began, according to analysts. The main links are:

1.- The voting population was 21.3 million, according to official figures from the CNE, affected by sudden changes in voting centers within the national territory and outside the country, violation of the right to vote of Venezuelans residing abroad and creation of centers with one or two tables in which they controlled the database of active followers.

2.- Although the installation of the more than 30,000 polling stations was proceeding normally until noon, with some delays and machine failures, serious incidents were reported at some polling stations at the closing of the tables: opposition witnesses were not allowed to enter, table officials denied copies of the minutes to those who managed to get in, soldiers took boxes of ballots while in other cases witnesses prevented the abusive action.

The military also denied the main opposition witnesses before the National Board of the CNE entry to the CNE headquarters to witness the total.

3.- Data transmission suddenly stopped around 9:00 p.m., as reported by several polling stations, while the CNE “made appear” 40% more tables that had not transmitted from the polling stations and announced the result with 80% of “minutes computed.”

4.- The manual vote counting in centers located in popular areas of Caracas and the interior was “protected” by the military leadership headed by Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López, according to allegations.

5.- Appearance of violent groups supporting the regime in voting centers that harassed witnesses and paralyzed the work of tables.

Source: With information from Eugenio Martinez, Jose Maria Del Pino, Las Americas Newspaper

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