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Freddy Kalas: – It broke me

This year’s Every time we meet got off to a flying start when ringed fox Bjørn Eidsvåg (68) was the first man out of the fire last Sunday.

This week it is the hit machine Fredrik Auke (32), better known as Freddy Kalas, who sits at the end of the table to be honored by his artist colleagues on Kjerringøy outside Bodø.

It is a clearly excited and slightly nervous guest of honor who turns up on his day.

– I feel a lot of nerves. I think it’s a little creepy. I know I’ll sit for a few hours babbling. But I’m ready, says Auke during the opening of the music festival.

GUEST OF HONOR: In Hver gang vi mötes’ second programme, it is Fredrik Auke, better known as Freddy Kalas, who will receive tributes from his fellow participants. From left: Emma Steinbakken, Bjørn Eidsvåg, Ingebjørg Bratland, Isah, Kristian Kristensen and Karoline Krüger. Photo: Vegard Breie / TV 2

And in true Freddy Kalas style, it will be a blast with catchy musical contributions this day. During the program it also becomes painful and tearful when Auke, among other things, opens up about the difficult time in the years before the corona pandemic.

Watch Auke be open about challenges and difficulties in the video at the top of the case.

– Tough to live up to the role

On the eve of 2014, the 32-year-old from Drammen had his big breakthrough as a solo artist after appearing on a number of Russian songs, as well as lending his voice to the Broiler duo’s “Vannski”, “Bonski” and “Afterski”.

Auke became the king of Norwegian party music, and ravaged the charts with country hits such as “Pinne for landet”, “Jovial” and “Feel Da Rush”. At one point he was one of the most streamed artists in the country, beaten only by Broiler and Kygo. Melodi Grand Prix participation, the VG list and a high-profile fiddler nomination in 2016 soon followed.

But behind the fedora hat, sunglasses and broad smile, the 32-year-old struggled to distinguish between the party music icon Freddy Kalas and the private person Fredrik for several years.

– I think it takes many years to get used to it. When I started out as Freddy Kalas, I just started out as Fredrik, and Fredrik I was going to be throughout that journey, he shares around the table in Every time we meet, and continues:

Kristian’s beautiful “Eg ser” version brings Bjørn to tears

– It started very well with success for “Pinne for the country”. I was very over the moon about it. I thought, “Shit, look what I’ve done.” You are in a carousel that does not stop, and in that carousel you want to be because you have dreamed of it. And then I think that the more you get, the better it feels. And then it’s really just an illusion. It’s real too, but you can’t be there all the time. It’s not possible.

The Drammensen gradually had difficulties living up to the role of the always exuberant party lion that Freddy Kalas appears as.

– It’s a role you step into, and it’s quite tough to live up to that role all the time. I’m not like that all the time. I’m not a walking party. It doesn’t work. I go from being Fredrik to being Freddy Kalas, and then I come home and will be Fredrik again. It was very unstable, he further admits.

TØFT: Every time we meet participant and artist, Fredrik Auke, admits that for a long period he struggled to live up to the image of a happy and cheerful party artist. Photo: TV 2

– Broke the hell out of me

The combination of the mix of roles, the pressure to perform and a lot of partying became so great and overwhelming that it began to eat deeply into the artist’s psyche.

– You can’t constantly be in that dream bubble, because eventually it can burst and go badly. And it did to me. I didn’t realize it then and there, because then things were so good, but things can still be harmful, he says, and continues:

– I was really burnt out. I wasn’t myself at all. This persisted for many years. I stopped accepting assignments. I remember having to cancel 14 jobs. I was drunk and called: “Now you just have to cut. I can’t take it anymore, I can’t do it anymore.” Slowly but surely, it unfortunately took its toll on me. It went so wrong that I was eaten in the end.

Emma impresses with her interpretation of “The River” – this is how Bjørn reacts

The boyfriend was the savior

Only when the corona pandemic washed over the country did the 32-year-old’s life turn for the better when he met his current girlfriend.

– Then I met a lady called Jeanette, he says, and suddenly becomes silent and emotional.

– She did a lot for me. Things have changed a lot, he continues, choking back tears.

Auke describes his partner as a warm and good carer, who helped him a lot through the long-standing depression.

– I think back on how incredibly grateful I am, and how important and big a role she has played for me in the bad period I was in. From being tired and broken down, I went from feeling strong and wonderful. So I got a lady who stood with open arms and I could just land there.

Isah interprets “All you want” – then he surprises with a well-known guest artist

Watch Every time we meet on Saturdays at 20:00 on TV 2 Direkte, and whenever you want TV 2 Play.

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