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Free Tarot for today Friday January 20, 2023 How will you do according to the horoscope?

Free Tarot for today Friday January 20, 2023 How will you do according to the horoscope?

According to the reading of the tarot cardsThis is what fate has in store for you today, Friday, January 20, in matters of love, humor and profession. This is the best way to start every day, so you can’t miss the predictions today’s horoscope and The Truth News brings you your prediction.

Aries, this is your tarot reading

Today it could be quite a challenge for you to concentrate at work. Given the aspect in play, you could be easily distracted. Try to take frequent breaks to clear your mind. Don’t get bogged down in social activities like talking or chatting with your friends. Discipline might be hard for you, but try it. Extend the deadlines if you can and set yourself a realistic plan.

Taurus, this is your tarot reading

You could decide to organize yourself better. Today’s astral alignment is encouraging you to put things in order. You may wish to arrange the files and label them carefully. Or you could work on balancing your accounts. Your mind will be very focused on calculating numbers or keeping track of your investments. It will do you good to check those little details. It is important for you to feel that you are in control.

Taurus, this is your tarot reading

Gemini, this is your tarot reading

Today you could decide to clarify certain things with someone. Perhaps tensions have arisen with a friend or co-worker. You may feel inhibited from sharing your thoughts, but don’t keep everything to yourself. If you keep accumulating feelings, the day you explode things could get out of hand. With today’s celestial alignment, the key is pure and simple honesty. Communicate clearly and respectfully. Tensions will be gone soon.

Cancer, this is your tarot reading

Perhaps you are experiencing issues that require you to take long, deep breaths. You may find ways to ignore problems at home by spending more time at the office. There are also problems at the office that could be more complicated than those at home. This situation leaves you very few options. What you really need is to start asking hard questions and demanding straight answers. What is hurting you the most is the delay in any real confrontation.

Leo, this is your tarot reading

It may not be easy for you to make choices or incorporate different things into your life. You could be getting tired of the same old routine. Do something that makes you smile back. The truth is that sometimes you feel absolute boredom. You are accumulating feelings of frustration that appear in different aspects of your life, producing strong emotions and great confusion among the people around you. Today remember that you are responsible for introducing positive changes into your life.

Virgo, this is your tarot reading

Today’s celestial alignment is asking you not to act so strictly towards yourself. You can see yourself in very different ways thanks to the different ways that different people look at you. Intimately, you may feel a deep loneliness, although it may be difficult for you to admit it since you are always surrounded by many people. The key is being able to firmly maintain your own sense of identity, with or without the presence of others.

Libra, this is your tarot reading

Your career and situation in the world are slowly changing. When one thing comes to an end, more opportunities open up. Do what you want to do. Go after your dreams. There is nothing stopping you, except your own imagination and self-confidence. Take a risk and you will discover what you love. And not only that: you will find a way to support yourself while doing it. Today’s astral alignment is giving a great flow of power and strength to your emotions.

Libra, this is your tarot reading

Scorpio, this is your tarot reading

Important cycles are about to end and you may hesitate to accept it because you are afraid of not knowing what the next step will be. You may be hanging on to an old habit or behavior just because you don’t know if there is another way to do things. However, inwardly, you feel that it is not right. It is important that you tie up the loose ends. Pay more attention to those parts of yourself that you are desperately trying to keep hidden.

Sagittarius, this is your tarot reading

You might feel like you just went through a major renaissance. You are trying to see what your next step in life will be. Perhaps an important cycle has just come to a close and now you are looking for your way in unfamiliar territory. You feel in total darkness and you must rely on the rest of your senses to get to a lighted place. Don’t be scared, remember that everything will be fine. You will manage to find the way.

Capricorn, this is your tarot reading

Your ideas about spirituality, education and higher learning are slowly transforming. You have a more complete idea of ​​the world than before. Events that arise are likely to confirm the things you have been thinking about. Today’s celestial configuration is suggesting that you have a sharp mind capable of getting to the bottom of virtually all topics. Don’t let mental chatter block this amazing thinking ability.

Aquarius, this is your tarot reading

Stop thinking that love and romance are difficult things that always break your heart and drown it in sorrow. Don’t let them scare you into running away. What you need is to have fun with love instead of thinking about it as painfully serious. You must realize that it is possible to enjoy it with enthusiasm. Don’t be afraid. The aspect in play today gives you the courage to think differently about your romantic life.

Pisces, this is your tarot reading

You are going through a transformation whereby you are more focused on your ideas about investments, other people’s money, and the resources you share with other people. Perhaps this aspect of your life is undergoing a gradual change. The events of the day are likely to shed more light on these issues. Today’s astral configuration will not allow you to achieve it. It’s time to face the inevitable.

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