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Free Tarot for today Wednesday January 04, 2023 How will you do according to the horoscope?

Free Tarot for today Wednesday January 04, 2023 How will you do according to the horoscope?

According to the reading of the tarot cardsThis is what fate has in store for you today, Wednesday, January 4, in matters of love, humor and profession. This is the best way to start every day, so you can’t miss the predictions of horoscope of today and The Truth News brings you your prediction.

Aries, this is your tarot reading

Don’t expect immediate results. You want to pick the fruits of a tree you just planted! And, that little tree may not even be planted straight! I’m sure you’ll be furious when people point this out to you, but it’s better to know now, when you can still correct the mistake. A little extra effort to dig and replant the tree correctly will ultimately produce a better harvest.

Taurus, this is your tarot reading

Today you will attract fans everywhere! Your charisma will be strong, and you will be in contact with many interesting people. The combination of energies at stake today generates additional luck for you on a social level. If you’ve been trying to meet someone special, today you can ask someone out on a date who could be perfect. You will find it easy to communicate with others, and your confidence levels will be high.

Gemini, this is your tarot reading

You will definitely appreciate the day ahead of you! An emerging influence of planetary energy makes the mood of the world much more conducive to your own personality. Discipline, structure, caution, and hard work will replace the doubts and worries of days gone by. Today you will be entrusted with certain responsibilities, and you will handle them with ease!

Gemini, this is your tarot reading

Cancer, this is your tarot reading

During the last few days you have been like a top spinning at high speed. You’ve dodged the obstacles and kept moving non-stop, a ball of energy, sure, but with no direction whatsoever. Today, you focus on a single goal, and you feel a new inspiration from within to achieve it. The planetary alignment opens up an excellent opportunity for you to stop this continuous turning and find a straight path in order to move forward.

Leo, this is your tarot reading

Although you greatly appreciate learning about the latest discoveries in psychology, death, and the afterlife, the ideas you generally take for “correct” will not be as obvious to you today. This is due to the astral energies created by the planetary alignment. It prompts you to open your mind a bit more and consider some radical ideas. Why limit yourself to thinking the same as everyone else? Why not take a little more risk?

Virgo, this is your tarot reading

Undoubtedly something is happening between you and your friends. Today’s celestial configuration will make you think about the strength of your friendships. Do you have a friend who would help you in case you were in financial need? And, equally significant, would you also help such? Your answers to these questions are important. Try to answer them honestly.

Virgo, this is your tarot reading

Libra, this is your tarot reading

You would like to change your professional life, but you would prefer to do it safely, and without changing your lifestyle. There is a bit of a contradiction as to what you want to change, but you can’t do it. Trust that you will find your comfort level again, but first you must risk losing it. As the saying goes, he who does not risk does not win.

Scorpio, this is your tarot reading

Sure, law and order aren’t your favorite words, but you’ll have to agree that a little discipline is just what your life needs right now. Especially your emotional life. Lately, you may have felt like your friends were invading your privacy, and you didn’t have the power to stop them. Today it will be much easier for you to say no without losing your cool or offending anyone.

Sagittarius, this is your tarot reading

Lately you have felt torment due to strong tensions and doubts either at work or in your studies, so you will appreciate today’s heavenly influence. It will surely help you define a safe zone around you, a bubble of peace and tranquility all for you. Right now you need solitude to be able to meditate; you have the right to protect yourself.

Capricorn, this is your tarot reading

There will be some tension in the day ahead, but it won’t necessarily be unpleasant. In fact, you submit to it voluntarily, since you have decided to settle an issue once and for all. Emotionally, you might decide to stop acting like your mother or father (remember you swore never to behave this way!) Or, at home, you might finally agree to do all the minor repairs that have been plaguing your life.

Aquarius, this is your tarot reading

Today’s heavenly configuration will bring financial issues. It could be that you still have complete disinterest in everything related to money. If so, you should meditate and realize what is bothering you. Do you feel like you are walking a tightrope? Do you still feel craving for a job that you did not do with the high quality that characterizes you? The influence of the planets will help you find the answers.

Pisces, this is your tarot reading

The aspect in play today will make you think about your tendency to realize your ideas as quickly as possible. Do you know the benefits of a gestation period? Just as humans themselves take time to create in order to be born, so many things happen. Don’t rush into doing something just for the sake of doing it. Quality, by its very nature, takes time.

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