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Free Xbox games: a third-person shooter with a rather bizarre name as a gift

Although we are used to initiatives that allow players to redeem free games exclusively on PC, from time to time it is possible to take advantage of this kind of promotions on consoles as well. Not surprisingly, it is now possible to redeem one demon-based single player shooter completely free of charge Xboxes.

We are talking about Cazarion Demon Hunting, a game available from summer 2022 and whose sale price is 4.99 euros. Throughout the next week, Xbox players will be able to get a digital copy of the game without paying a cent and keep it forever (this is not an initiative related to Free Play Days). As if that weren’t enough, you don’t need any type of subscription to be able to receive the gift e you don’t need to be an Xbox Live Gold or Xbox Game Pass user.

Here is the link to proceed with the free download of the game on Microsoft platforms:

Before you run to download the game, we need to make a clarification. As also highlighted in the product description, the Xbox One version is available but it doesn’t seem to enjoy good optimization and the same developer recommends playing only if you own a latest generation console, i.e. Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S. Also know that the title in question deals with strong topics and more sensitive people may not appreciate the contents of this product.

We also remind you that, for a short time yet, it is possible to redeem the gifts of the week on the Epic Games Store, before next Thursday’s gifts are offered at the usual afternoon time.

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