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French team: behind the scenes of the management of DD, the reaction of the executives … Riolo’s revelations on the Benzema case!

Since the end of the 2022 World Cup, the management in the French team of the case of Karim Benzema, forfeited for this competition due to a thigh injury, has caused a lot of talk. And for RMC radio consultant Daniel Riolo, the Real Madrid striker was taken for a fool.

Karim Benzema did not play the World Cup with the Blues.

Was the Karim Benzema file badly handled by the coach of the France team Didier Deschamps? Injured before the start of the 2022 World Cup, the striker, without being replaced, was quickly forfeited.

Since then, many rumors have revealed tensions between the two camps over the management of this physical problem. Benzema’s ex-agent, Karim Djaziri, even revealed the results of the player’s exams to denounce the poor management of the staff of the Blues (see article here).

Riolo unveils the backstage of the case

For his part, RMC radio consultant Daniel Riolo confirmed problems between Benzema and the French staff upon arrival in Qatar. Decreased, the Ballon d’Or 2022 wanted to manage its recovery in its own way. They are leaving for the World Cup, Benzema is a little injured but Benzema says: ‘I know my body perfectly, I know how to take care of it’ and does something on his side. Benzema’s demand in the early days of the World Cup annoys some people a bit. Benzema went to Aspetar, we resented him. We asked him to force the training a little when he didn’t want to, always in his reflection of ‘I know how to manage my body’. He pushed harder than he should have and he got hurt againtold the editorialist.

And like Djaziri, Riolo lamented Deschamps’ choice to fire Benzema when the striker was potentially available from the knockout stages. The photos that circulated on social networks, I had them analyzed by sports doctors. I was told that it was a form of relapse and that making him play in the round of 16 is taking a risk but that he could have been on the bench and even come on in case of extreme necessity. But in the quarter-finals, he would have been totally operationalhe said.

Frames not unhappy of his departure

Apart from this decision, Riolo also castigated a lack of respect towards Benzema in the management of his departure. When they take Benzema out and the doctor from the France team says: ‘it’s fine, you’re injured, you’re going’ and we take him on a plane at 6 a.m…. It’s weird way you say to a guy you call back to the France team: ‘you’re leaving in the night’. He left, hence his silence in the weeks that followed. France goes to the final and with the emotion aroused by the performance, we forget it. There is nevertheless a truth that must be told: Benzema deserved a little more respect and whoever says that is not the greatest of Benzema’s lawyers. I have always recognized his indisputable sporting qualities without being his great defender. I want to be objective and objectively, we took him for a fool, we threw him outhe said.

And what about the rumors of a group relieved by his departure? For Riolo, this feeling did indeed exist among certain executives of the Blues. There were some tensions. Yes, the Tuesday following his departure, some players from the French team were not unhappy to see him leave: Griezmann, Lloris, Giroud. Mbapp, it was neither hot nor cold. There were executives who were not unhappy to see Benzema leave because he was taking up a little space. Griezmann’s positioning changed completely whether Benzema was there or not. This is the story of Benzema-Deschamps around this World Cup. We really took it an idiot and Deschamps lied to us from AZ, finished Riolo. Revelations that could explain Benzema’s decision to retire from international football…

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