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Friday: Twitter without checked blue ticks, privacy advocates against ChatGPT

For a long time, blue ticks stood for authenticity and notability on Twitter accounts. They were deleted on Thursday. Remaining blue ticks stand for “has $8” and are no longer checked. In Germany, OpenAI as the originator of the ChatGPT-KI should answer questions. Data protection authorities want to know where the data used to train ChatGPT comes from. Meanwhile, Google has centralized its AI efforts. To this end, the AI ​​research department “Google Brain” and the start-up DeepMind, which belongs to the group, were merged to form “Google DeepMind” – a brief overview of the most important reports.

Elon Musk is open Twitter the last blue hook deleted that indicated that the respective Twitter account is actually operated by the person or entity with a high level of awareness. Anyone who still sees blue ticks on Twitter accounts should know that this one completely different meaning have: The account holder sent Mr. Musk eight dollars, around ten euros, or a similar amount of money. How much does it cost individuals Subscription to “Twitter Blue” per month. Twitter no longer checks whether the account operator is actually who he claims to be: Twitter has now deleted the checked blue ticks.

On the other hand want privacy advocate take a closer look at ChatGPT. “If personal data is used, also as Training data for the AIthen a legal basis is required,” said Dieter Kugelmann, head of the federal state task force for “Artificial Intelligence” (AI), “We have to know where the data comes from.” Without a legal basis, the operation of ChatGPT would be illegal. In order to find out how the algorithms were trained, the data protection officers of the countries Administrative proceedings against ChatGPT operator OpenAI opened. The further procedure will depend on the answers of the US company: Germany’s data protection officers open proceedings against OpenAI because of ChatGPT.

In response to the Microsoft-sponsored ChatGPT AI research at Google from now on under a single management and with a common brand: In Google DeepMind merge the AI research department Brain and the one affiliated with the group Start-up DeepMind now official. The development had already been indicated since Google recently committed its two AI subsidiaries to work together on a large language model as Project Gemini. Now the group wants the research of the Brain team and DeepMind combine into a single unitin order to be more effective in competition with other providers and to make faster progress: Google Brain and Deep Mind become Google DeepMind.

The popular image and video platform Imgur changes in May Terms of Useone get rid of pornographic content. So far, users could still upload pictures and videos with “nudity, pornography and explicit sex” as long as they were posted as a comment or not posted publicly. A public listing was previously no longer allowed. In addition, “old, unused and inactive content”. that is not assigned to a user account. The latter could lead to numerous images disappearing from forums around the world: the Imgur image service bans nudity and pornography and deletes anonymous uploads.

The giant rocket Starship von SpaceX is started successfully for the first time, although apparently not all engines fired. Just four years after company boss Elon Musk made its development public, the largest rocket ever built took off from Texas on Thursday afternoon. But before she was separated from the booster, she is exploded at an altitude of about 37 km. Actually, it should reach space and almost fly around the earth. Even if that didn’t work out SpaceX speaks of a huge success. The fact that the rocket lifted off the launch pad safely can certainly be considered Breakthrough for SpaceX values: Giant rocket Starship launched by SpaceX for the first time, but then exploded.

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