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Friggitrice ad Aria Cosori Pro LE da 4,7L: an efficient and easy-to-use model | Tom’s Hardware

You frigitrici ad aria They are an excellent solution for chi near a fast and efficient way of cooking molteplici tipologie di piatti: dai classici surgelati fino a carne e pesce di vario genera! For the most interesting market, it is undoubtedly the Cosori Pro LE da 4.7L, characterized by a compact and elegant design and, not least, made with ottimi materials I thought to last in time. Inoltre, essendo di dimensioni piuttosto contenuto, è perfetta da inserire practically in any kitchen!

Not least, if it is a refrigerator in the air that I saw assicura a minimum maintenance, in how easy it is to polish and the basket if you can comfortably rip it in lavastoviglie without paura di rovinare il trattamento antiadderente. Obviously, dealing with a friggitrice ad ria, and reset programs are a very important part of the electric appliance. That I saw allowed to further simplify your routine, setting the whole thing with a click on the basis of the food that I decided to prepare, one thing that is not undervalued!

In this case The programs are available for all the types of receipts and main preparations And it will always be possible to adjust the temperature and duration to the right level, in the case in which the Celtic friggitrice does not prevent your preference for a particular food. Inoltre, with l’acquisto del modello, there is also a fantastic book of rice that I saw help to prepare the pietanze in the migliore dei modi and enjoy all the features of the domestic appliance!

First of all, I will finish our introduction and enter the details of all the features that we have found to validate (and not) della Colori pro LE 4.7, we had to specify immediately that the results were not consistent with the product and that they did not look good. Only pecca, eat molte other of the stessa “stazza”, You can’t buy it if you only have 4 people in più di 7 Pasto, in quanto non avrete modo di preparare i vostri piatti all insieme, in this case. Even so, it is ideal for a group of friends and parents to enjoy a lunch or dinner in just a few minutes of preparation!

However, the fridge is not equipped with smart functions of any kind, so I can’t use the app on the smartphone to set and speed any passenger. Certainly a stain, but nulla che the good quality of the product can not be compensated nell’insieme. Il prezzo, difatti, little sopra i 100€, the yield is a validissima opzione da non Farsi scappare tra le molte poste sul mercato.

Certo è vero che potrete acquistare degli elettrodomestici più capienti a una prezzo quasi similare o di poco più alto ma, per la Cosori di cui vi stiamo parlando, i punti a favori qualitativi sono accompagnati anche dal design davvero molto elegante. Infatti, through the numerous options available on the website, the model of which I have seen is doing the review is true semplice, raffinato, caratterizzato da linee deliziose e un tinta unita che non rende lo pacchiano da tenere anche ben esposto nella vostra cucina.

A simple and elegant design

La friggitrice ad aria Cosori Pro LE 4.7 è, as detto little sopra, an electric appliance gives a design davvero molto interessante respecto a moltissimi articoli della stessa fascia economica. The model is made in a rigid and resistant plastic, veneered with a very dark gray that gives an effective touch of elegance to the product, finished with an opaque finish instead of the classic shine. Da non sottovalutare che sarà ancora più easy to polish with a pan and one sgrassare and, anche le classiche fastidiose ditate, saranno più facile da evitar grazie alla finitura citata little sopra.

I will tell you that, the upper panel is sometimes finite in transparent shiny plastic because it bears the imprint of its own, it will be a very complicated case, keeping in mind that if it is a kitchen product, if it is a non-undervalued control. Considering that, despite the fact that there are other friggitrici, the rest of the model is much less soggetto allo sporco. The handle to remove the cassette twice is made with a less precious plastic but commonly solid piuttosto.

Come aggiunta per il basketlo c’è una griglia, spesso in dotazione in diversi modelli. Not if it is an essential item to use daily but is very useful in particular, as long as you are preparing food for which the air circulation is fond. The magari is close to scratching a piatto in a homogeneous and fast manner, for example. Also the grill, like the basket, is provided with an anti-stick coating that is valid and designed to last.

Ma passiamo al lato più che fondamentale: il cestello, come vi avevamo anticipato, è ad 4.7 L per cui vi consentirò di insertire diverse fette di carne, a whole chicken, at least 500 g of potato and moltissimo other varieties of cibo. Although it is ideal for a frugal dinner in company or to quickly heat up any portion of lasagna it will be prime! Il pannello di controllo, invece, è posizionato above and not frontally, a scelta piuttosto unusual for a friggitrice.

No dubbio c’è dire che i commandi hanno più spazio a disposizione ed è tutto più visibile. On the other hand, it was decided to remove the electric appliance in a place with little space in height, it would be very difficult to select and program and obviously not potrete posarci nulla sopra.

Features and features

How could I imagine the Cosori Pro LE 4.7 is a model gives 1,500 watt, less than a traditional oven for an incasso, placed in the middle gives a point of view of functionality, thought to be simple and quindi not provided by specific functions. Però, va detto, per questa fascia di prezzo le modalità che ha disposizione sono communque valide.

Potrete comunique sfruttare ben 30 ricette tutte da provare, present in the book even with the purchase. La Cosori vi permette di preparere literally di tutto, gives a fine antipasto to primi piatti, secondi and dessert! Owned by this, if I will use the best of the purchased model if I dare suffogo alla vostra fantasia, il nostro coniglio è di give uno sguardo a tutte le ricette che avete a disposizione.

Isn’t it worth it?

Alla fine di tutte le considerazioni che sono state fatte, partire dal design fine alla alla potenza e alla versatilità delle funzioni di cui gode, possiamo dirvi che esto acquisto vale la pena farlo? We had used the Cosori Pro LE 4.7 for a bit of time, in such a way as to value it from the end of its lungo and as much as possible. At the end of this “trial period” we can ensure that, all’effettivo, Yes, it is a highly performing article. and ideal to simplify the preparation of numerous piatti. Not least important, to consume a little less at home without needing to access the classic oven.

Con tutte le pietanze che abbiamo provato, the result is sown più che soddisfacente and, in più, I will always tell you that it is an easy and fast procedure Sfruttare daily, prime and dopo the preparation. Vi basterà scegliere il programma, regolarne il tempo e la temperatura si necesario y avrete fatto! Probably there will be an’applicazione posited to simplify and speed up some procedures, even if it is doing something else, there will be a valid one added to it, not if it is a communication from a truth and its own lacuna.

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