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FritzRepeater: AVM fixes streaming errors in real-time applications

AVM is currently still working on the release of the new FritzOS 7.50 function update for FritzRepeater. These add-on devices are now getting a beta update that fixes bugs with streaming real-time applications.

The signs are now good that it is one of the last preliminary versions before the release of the new FritzOS to all owners of a FritzRepeater 1200 AX, 3000 AX or 6000. As part of the laboratory updates, a new version has now been released for these three Fritz devices.

The last mistakes are eliminated

The new beta version fixes bugs reported by the volunteer testers. There are problems with the streaming of real-time applications, for example with television broadcasts. There are no more innovations and improvements, which also indicates the forthcoming release for all users. We have included the release notes for the update at the end of this article using the FritzRepeater 6000 as an example. AVM is on the home stretch of developing the new FritzOS version for the additional devices and is already working on the fine-tuning, at least for these repeaters. So far, however, there are no indications that it is already a release candidate. AVM has not yet commented on the planned release dates. It is uncertain whether further releases will be made this year.

AVM also gives tips for the tests on the website, but cannot offer any support for the beta versions. Therefore, you should remember that trying it out, as always with pre-release versions, is at your own risk.

Innovations and improvements in version 7.39-1047XX

  • Improvement: System performance optimized
  • Fixed: Fixed issues with streaming real-time applications (IPTV etc.).

The beta update can be obtained from the AVM laboratory website. Being there is very easy:

How to get the lab update on the repeater:

  • The current FritzOS must be installed in advance – so first you look for a regular update.
  • Then start the installation of the laboratory version:
  • First unpack the file (can be found on the Special page for the beta updates)
  • Then carry out the update yourself via the user interface of the FritzRepeater (navigate via System/Update and FritzOS file and follow the instructions on the screen.
  • The firmware is transferred to the FritzRepeater. The FritzRepeater then restarts. It may take a few minutes before the repeater can be reached again.

  • New: FritzOS 7.50 feature update for FritzRepeater 1200 AX, 3000 AX or 6000
  • Release candidate: AVM is working on fine-tuning, but there are no indications yet
  • Installation: Simple user interface guide
  • Beta update: Only for voluntary testers, no support from AVM
  • Support: AVM gives tips for tests, but try them out at your own risk

Fritz box, repeater, and much more: These AVM devices get FritzOS 7.50

Wlan, Network, Avm, Fritzbox, Mesh, Repeater, Wi-Fi 6, Wireless LAN, Fritz!Repeater 6000

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