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From new actor to leader: who is Roborock?

At home, you may be lucky enough to be helped on a daily basis by a robot vacuum cleaner signed Roborock. In just a few years, this Chinese brand has invaded our homes, determined to teach us how (not) to clean. With such beautiful promises, we can say that success is quickly at the rendezvous.

Thus, in less than eight years, this new player has established itself as a must-have with innovative, high-quality products. Here’s how Roborock has carved out a niche for itself in the robot vacuum market.

Roborock’s story

For Roborock, it all starts with Richard Chang. This visionary is what one might call a serial entrepreneur. With Roborock, the businessman is not at his first attempt. Thanks to his twelve years of experience in product development, Richard Chang knows his score well. He notably worked for brilliant companies such as Microsoft, Tencent and even Maxthon. After which, he decides to strike out on his own by founding PhotoWonder, a photo editing application. Success is there, so that Baidu, the Chinese search engine par excellence, ends up buying it.

In his career as a product manager, Richard Chang has the interests and needs of consumers at heart. Better, he thinks of the problems of the users and wants to put everything in place to solve them. So when he finds that the few robot vacuum cleaners on the market at that time are far from efficient and are, above all, very expensive, he wants to change that. We are far from the promise of an autonomous household appliance… As a result, Richard Chang founded Roborock in 2014. Very quickly, Xiaomi is interested in Roborock and invests, which allowed the brand to become a subsidiary of the Xiaomi ecological chain. The story has only just begun…

What is Roborock’s philosophy?

With Roborock, the idea is to make life easier for consumers so they can spend time doing things they actually love every day. Yes, few people enjoy cleaning regularly.

Since its inception, Roborock has aspired to become a trusted brand in the hearts of its consumers. Richard Change’s company relies on listening to users’ desires to offer products that they really need. For this, Roborock goes straight to the point: no need to do tons with an avalanche of useless technical characteristics. Consumer issues are always the focus of Roborock.

© Roborock

But Roborock does not just listen to its own customers: the brand makes it a point of honor to also listen to the customers of its competitors in order to find other needs that the Chinese brand may possibly fill in the future.

Thus, Roborock’s products offer effective cleaning without forgetting places or getting stuck thanks to necessary innovative technologies.

Roborock in a few figures

Since 2014, Roborock has come a long way. In just eight years, the brand has been at the top of the sales rankings for robot vacuum cleaners and other household cleaning appliances. When launching its very first robot vacuum cleaner in 2016, after two years of work, the Mi Home Robotic becomes the best-selling robot cleaners in China.

In 2017, for its second robot vacuum cleaner, Roborock relies on crowdfunding. In four hours, the brand recovers 10 million CNY (more than one million euros) to launch the Roborock Robotic.

Over the past five years, Roborock has recorded 84% growth. A simply impressive figure. In 2021, the brand sold 2.82 million robot vacuum cleaners and filed 270 new domestic and foreign patents. Roborock is determined to continue this great momentum for years to come.

© Roborock

Innovation seen by Roborock

To obtain this coveted place of undisputed leader, Roborock has worked tirelessly on multiple innovations in order to stand out from the others but also with the aim, again, of responding Actually to consumer needs.

Among its outstanding innovations, we note in particular the patented technology called ReactiveAI on the Roborock S6 MaxV, which makes it easier (and faster) to avoid obstacles and adapt your route, or even the technology VibraRise® which allows some robot vacuum cleaners, like the Roborock S7, to also mop the floor efficiently thanks to a system of sonic vibrations.

Going a step further, Roborock unveils a smart automatic dump station in 2021 to make the cleaning experience even more pleasant and comfortable.

Finally, this year, the brand has lifted the veil on the best autonomous robot vacuum cleaner that exists to date: the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra. This nugget has the merit of being entirely autonomous. In addition to collecting dust and mopping floors, the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra’s dump station does it all and doesn’t just vacuum dust. Indeed, it empties the dust, fills the water tank and cleans the mop. It’s no wonder that this promising new product has won the award for the best invention of 2022 from the American magazine Time.

Today, Roborock offers a very wide range of products so that everyone can find what they are looking for. From the robot vacuum cleaner that goes to the essentials to the most successful and premium product, you are bound to find what you are looking for. After tackling the robot vacuum cleaner market brilliantly, will Roborock take an unknown market by storm with new products for 2023 or will the brand have some nice surprises in store for French consumers with several new robot vacuum cleaners?

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